Chapter Seven | Every Night I See Him, Your Father

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Chapter Seven | Every Night I See Him, Your Father

Aurora didn't know how long it took them to walk all the way back to camp. Time seemed meaningless as they walked. She couldn't peel her eyes off of Atom's body, Wells and Finn carrying it in a makeshift cot. His eyes had been pulled closed by Clarke when they moved him and even thought Aurora had cleaned the blood from her hands, it still felt like it was there. Like an invisible layer of sin, sticking to her skin. That crushing feeling in her chest had ceased to vanish and if Aurora thought too much about what she had done, she felt as if she couldn't breath. She knew it was the guilt that was crushing her... She just didn't know how to deal with it. Everything bad she had ever done... Over all the years... It never left her feeling like this. Maybe this was what regret felt like?

Aurora frowned. It seemed she was human after all.

The second the camp gates had opened Clarke was already talking about Jasper. On the walk over she had explained how she, Finn, and Wells had gone out to get more of the seaweed that the Grounders left on Jasper. It turns out that the seaweed could be used to make medicine.

The three of them got trapped in an old car when the fog rolled around and Clarke spoke about an old bottle of whiskey that was hidden in the glove compartment. Aurora wished she had had the luxury of old liquor when she had been stuck. It would've made the whole experience a lot less terrible.

"We've got to get to Jasper." Clarke was saying, voice filled with worry and maybe even a little hope. This medicine was what Jasper had needed and hopefully he can get better. "I'll need boiled water to make the medicine."

Aurora watched as Clarke and Finn left with a frown. Finn hadn't said a word to her the whole walk back and Aurora didn't know if she was glad or upset. She loved Finn, he was her first boyfriend and for the past few years, one of the only friends she had. She didn't know why she had gone off on him. Sure, on Earth he was being more... What's the word? Clingy? Aurora wasn't mad about that. She was pissed that everyone went straight to Finn when she was upset, as if he were her rock or something. Finn had broken her heart when he dumped her to date Raven, a girl she was sure he was still seeing. She had forgiven him for the whole ordeal when they were in the Sky Box, but maybe she still had some lingering feelings... She didn't know.

Aurora rubbed her forehead. Right now wasn't the time to be thinking about her hurt feelings over Finn, she had more important things to focus on. Like how to tell Octavia that Atom was dead. Bellamy had told her on the walk here that when they had gone hunting that Atom and Octavia had gotten quite fond of each other. Aurora didn't want to have to tell Octavia that she had killed Atom.

Aurora moved aside as Bellamy and Wells walked into camp, hauling Atom's body with them. She followed behind wordlessly, watching as they placed the fake gurney down, along with Atom's body. Aurora stared at his face once again, arms crossed as she gnawed her lower lip. Her stomach twisted, his face flashing behind her eyes when she had stabbed him.

She was going to have nightmares.

Bellamy straightened his back, eyes flashing to Aurora for a moment. He frowned as he bent down, placing a jacket over Atom's face, in an attempt to cover his body. Aurora looked at him, sending him a weak smile that he nodded at. Bellamy turned to a random boy, face stoic. "Get Clarke whatever she needs."

The boy scurried off, Wells frowning at Atom's body. "I better go get this grave dug."

Wells cast one more lingering glance at Atom's body before he wandered off. Aurora usually helped dig the graves with Wells, that was what had seemed to get them talking more but the thought of straining her muscles and getting covered in sweat and dirt was not so appealing right now. Especially when she was the one who had killed him.

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