Chapter Nine | For Now, We Make The Rules.

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Chapter Nine | For Now, We Make The Rules.

Bellamy pulled himself from the ground with a groan, anger flooding his veins when he remembered what Murphy had done. He got back to his feet easily, jaw aching as he scanned the ground. He spotted Aurora feet away, blood on her forehead. She was still unconscious, lying face down in the dirt. Bellamy rushed over quickly, rolling the girl onto her back. He brushed the hair from her forehead, scanning the gash. It was about an inch long, barley bleeding now. He released a heavy sigh, running a finger down Aurora's jaw. "Aurora." His voice was soft, hand gently shaking her shoulder. "Aurora, wake up."

The girls eyes fluttered open, face twisting as she went to touch her forehead. Bellamy grabbed her wrist quickly. "Don't touch it."

Aurora stared up at him for a moment before she closed her eyes with a groan, Bellamy frowning in concern. "Fuck." She groaned again, lips pressed together tightly. "Did Murphy get her?"

Bellamy didn't know if Aurora was asking because she was worried about the girl or just curious. It was hard to tell what the girl was thinking half the time and Bellamy saw the way she looked at Charlotte in the tent. "I don't think so. If Finn and Clarke were smart they would've snuck away when we were talking to him... And considering that the camp isn't filled with screams... I'd say they ran."

Aurora snapped her eyes open, attempting to sit up. "We have to find them before Murphy does."

"Hey, hey." Bellamy spoke softly, grabbing Aurora's shoulder to help pull her up. "Slowly. You could have a concussion."

Aurora rolled her eyes as Bellamy pulled her into a sitting position, getting to his feet. He held both his hands out, Aurora grabbing them. She planted her feet flat on the ground, cringing as Bellamy used his grip on her hands to hoist her up. Her head spun once she was standing, Bellamy grabbing her waist as she swayed. She leaned on him as she waited for her head to clear, blinking away the fog with a groan. "Stupid ass Murphy."

Bellamy's face darkened at the mention of Murphy, jaw clenching. He was done with the kid. Not only was Murphy a big dick, but he had also hurt so many people. People that didn't deserve it.

"I should've just slit his throat when I had him earlier." Aurora's voice was stone. Angry at herself. "None of this would've happened."

Bellamy sighed, his grip on her waist loosening until his hands were just resting there. "You may want everyone to think your this scary monster..." Aurora met his eyes, faces inches apart as Bellamy continued. "I see though you, Highlander. Your not a monster. Your human."

Aurora wanted to narrow her eyes at him, do something but her voice was not working. So, she was left to stare at Bellamy in silence. Being this close let her actually take in his features. The freckles dotting his face like the stars dotting the night sky... The green flakes she loved, dancing in his brown eyes... The small dip at the sides of his lips that would deepen when he smiled... She even saw the scar hidden under the hairs of his left eyebrow... Then his lips... They were shaped perfectly, they looked so soft... She wondered how it would feel to kiss him...

She cleared her throat at the spark in Bellamy's eyes, realizing he had seen her staring at his lips. Aurora finally managed to scoff with a small smile, backing away. "We should go." Her voice was raspy, betraying her emotions as she licked her lips, glancing into the woods. The sun was starting to set, the sky slowly darkening. "The sun is starting to set. If we're even gonna have a chance at finding them then we need to leave now."

Bellamy slowly took in a deep breath, calming his racing heart as he smirked at Aurora. "So we're not gonna talk about what just happened?"

Aurora's heart jumped. "What? Nothing happened."

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