Meeting The Family

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I'm back, finished my last final yesterday.




Peter and I were walking up the fancy stairs to the fancy door, it was almost time to meet my cousin and to see if I can gather any information on my new found werewolf-itude. I knock on the door and my cousin opens the door. He looks me up and down, probably assuming I was his cousin and then he side-eyed Peter.

"Uh, Tyler right? I'm your cousin Stiles, hi" I say to Tyler and awkward.

"Yeah hey, come in."

He leads us into this foyer that has a round table and a big staircase.

"My mom is waiting in the dining room."

He leads down the hall and into a nice big open room. There sits a table for 12 but only 4 placemats are filled. Peter and I sit beside each other. It's been pretty awkward so far, I don't really know what to say.

"You have a very beautiful house," Peter says saving me from overthinking.

"Oh thank you, Peter, I'm so glad you could join us. It's been a while since the table was so full."

My aunt says smiling. For dinner at my cousins, it's steak and the fixings. It's yummy, I mean it's meat and home-cooked. Honestly, that's good enough after days of gas station food.

"So why did you decide the sudden road trip? Is everything okay?" My aunt asks.

I smile, "Oh yeah everything's good, I just decided to go on a road trip with Peter since I was ahead for my grade. Anyway, my town is super boring so I wanted to see what was up with the rest of the world." I tell her.

"Oh that's always good, and you said you'll be going to high school, with Tyler right?" She asks.

I nod my head in conformation.

"Oh you're in the same grade as me, I thought you were younger," Tyler says looking at me.

"No honey remember when you were 3 he came to visit and Stiles was also 3 at the time. My husband and your mother thought it was the funniest thing that you were both the same age." I smiled at the mention of my mother.

"So Peter how did you meet Stiles? I assume you are from the same place since you traveled here together?" My aunt asks Peter.

He smiles and answers,

"Yes, I met Stiles back in our town, right after I got out of a coma, from a house fire I was in a couple of years ago. Since then we've been friends."

I almost laughed at the way Peter said friends, I mean I guess that's a good enough, and truthful enough version of what is our relationship.

"We decided to travel together because I have a car and a place to stay in Mystic Falls."

I pitched in, "The name of the town sounded familiar to me so I decided to come along to find out why and then I remembered I visited you guys when I was younger, and that's how we ended up on your doorstep earlier today." I told my aunt and cousin.

My aunt totally believed it, but I think my cousins suspicious of something. Oh shit, maybe he can hear our lies. I mean I can keep my heartbeat pretty steady if I know I need to but I wasn't thinking. I feel a kick to my leg and I glance at Peter who is glaring at me.

Ah right panicking is never a good thing. Especially when I have no reason to panic. I take a deep breath and calm myself. And the fact my cousin might be a werewolf.

"So any recommendations around town. Places I have to check out or cool places to go?" I ask directing the question at Tyler.

"Oh yeah there's The Grill, it's where me and my friend's hangout. I can show you tomorrow. Are you going to school tomorrow?"

Tyler asks me,

"Yeah, I'm enrolled to start tomorrow,"

I say as I continue eating because I realize I haven't eaten much even though it's good food I've just been distracted and well-talking a lot.

We talk for a little while more. Just about mundane things. Overall the dinner was really nice and it was really normal. I am almost positive that my aunt knows nothing. But I can never be too sure. But I can't tell if my cousin doesn't. I mean I have an asked him, and I'm not sure I will. I think I'm going to observe and see what's what. I can't smell anything, Wolfie about him but I'm still new at this so I guess I'll have to ask Peter later. But he hasn't said anything so far. He hasn't really talked much this dinner he's been eating and just letting me talk. Which is much is I appreciate it, it's getting kind of awkward because he's not talking at all.

Anyway, after like 30 more minutes of eating and talking it's time for us to leave. Only because there is school tomorrow. My aunt invited us over for another dinner day so that we could stay longer. Which I'm happy about because either my aunt or her chef cooks really good food. And I like my family. Me and Peter to leave with leftovers and we get into the car and head home. I called a successful even though I didn't find anything I wanted to find out I have literally all the time in the world. Even though the full moon is coming up I have Peter just in case and I'm gonna have to deal with it alone at some point in life right.




hope you liked it!

extra note:

I just wanted to say that I know writers have published dates, like when they upload a new chapter, but I don't like that honestly. Because I'll have days where I can write 10 chapters in a day and days where I won't write for 3 months. But not uploading except on set dates suck for me and you. so I'm not gonna do that. So that means every time I upload I have literally just written or finished writing the chappie your reading. So unless I say I'm uploading another chapter afterward the next time i post will be a little while.

Anyway, peace.

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