Were Not The Only 'New People'

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*So the picture... I just wanted to showcase my cute puppy. She looks the cutest ever in this photo. She really wants the cake.*


So........ I got some things mixed up.

Apparently the whole doppelganger thingy doesn't happen in season two.


I didn't know that. Now I have a shit ton of time on my hands. That means more filler chapters. Not that those aren't fun(more like funny) but I like my stories to move at a faster pace and this one won't.



The next day is a Saturday, and no school, which should mean, no conflict but when am I ever that lucky? I don't even know how he found out where I lived but when I opened the front door there was Damon. Sitting on an old porch swing that came with the property. He turned his head and smiled, well more like smirked,

"Stiles, right? Morning!"

I just glared,

"How did you find my house?" I ask him while sitting down next to him.

Honestly, I couldn't give any fucks so early in the morning.

He shrugged,

"School offices, they aren't immune to compulsion. Unlike some people," he said quite pointedly at me.

I rolled my eyes,

"I'm not immune. I'm taking vervain. I didn't know Peter was slipping it into the drinks in the house." I tell Damon, as that was the lie I came up with on the spot.

Damon just hummed not saying anything, I was gonna tell him to leave when he poped a question.

"So I researched your old town. Beacon Hills and I gotta say the death count rivals our " official " count." He says air quotes and all.

"And I was curious after reading a bit, your name comes up a lot. And I mean a lot with all things considered. Now Stefan and Elena said you just recently became a wolf, so why does all the trouble start with you and Mr. Hale years back?"

I pale, figuratively of course. I'm not stupid enough to give anything away.

I sigh, however,

"I said I became a wolf recently, I never said I was clueless about the supernatural altogether before that." I sighed I had to make sure any lies I told were easy to remember and replicate.

"And how on Earth did you as a kid figure out about the supernatural before you became a werewolf?"  He asked like it couldn't be something possible.

I glared at him again because why can't anyone ever just leave well enough alone why do people have to dig and pry just to find out stuff they don't need to know? It's like everyone needs to know what everyone is hiding.

"It's not like I'm the only werewolf in the world. They came and went through my town a lot. At first, I didn't know of course but I'm not stupid I can see patterns. Oh and the whole 'animal attack' excuse gets old quite quickly. Also, I know a few Hunters and others in the know. After that, pretty much nothing was in the dark anymore. And when I became a wolf I left, I didn't want to be mixed up in any of that stuff anymore. I came here to see if my cousin Tyler was a werewolf. I found out he is but he knows almost as much as I do which sucks but what can I do. It's not like anyone else is freely giving information out about werewolves so I'll just do what I normally do and figure it out myself. Does that answer all your questions or do you want to grill me some more."

Damon just hummed and looked ahead in contemplation about what I told him. I didn't really tell him much of course but I answered a few of his questions and gave him something to think about.

"You came here looking for information. Now that you know you can't find it are you going to leave?"

I shake my head,

"No, I decided I'm just going to finish up school and then leave. Peter doesn't really want to stay here so I'll just leave once I'm done and we can go wherever he wants to go."

"Why doesn't he want to stay? Why do you have to follow him?"

I laugh out loud, which was suddenly a loud an odd sound when we were speaking quite softly,

"I wouldn't want to stay here either as much as I like Bonnie, I honestly don't want to get mixed up in Vampire business. Hell, I didn't even know you guys existed. My friend back home was convinced that you" I say pointing to Damon, and gesturing up and down his body, "guys weren't real and I believed him. So did I know what I was getting into coming here? No, no not really I assume that there were just werewolves, not a gaggle vampires and hunters and witches to go along with it. I know they all exist and are currently residing in the town. Also, I don't have to follow Peter anywhere. I'm just choosing to. He helped me out a lot in the past and now I'll be there to help him if he needs it."

"And you're going to stick to the story that your friend Peter is human. I know he's not I don't know why you're hiding that he is, but we are eventually going to find out you know."

It was my turn to hum,

"Whatever you say, Damon. So was there more you wanted or can you leave."

Damon glared and got up. I sighed in relief that he was finally leaving. But before he left he left some words of wisdom.

"I'm only saying this because I'd rather you left sooner than later. There is stuff going on in town that you probably don't want to get mixed up in. You're not the only new people in town. And the 'others' are far more dangerous than a newly turned werewolf and 'a human', like you and your friend Peter. Honestly, my advice run before you meet them." Damon said as he started to slowly walk off.

"You're telling me this so I'll leave huh."

Damon didn't respond, he just sped away faster. Huh, he's an asshole no doubt, but he's not a bad guy either. Now I just got to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Or rather who?

"You can come out Peter he's gone now," I say to the person hiding behind the door.

Peter was listening in from the coffee table.

"So you're taking the warning seriously it seems."

I sigh,

"Why would he say anything if was lying. I get the feeling he's scared of what's to come. But what would scare a vampire? He doesn't seem that afraid of werewolves, his coming here is proof enough. He's an old vampire, I did some research."

I tell Peter.

"Of course you did." Peter chuckles.

"But what could scare him? I mean what else is out there? I'm being too deep right now." I shake my head and sigh and stand up.

"I feel like I could fall asleep and I just woke up. My brain hurts, coffee?" I ask Peter.

He sighs

"Fine but not in the house I want to go outside, bring your laptop you can multi-task."

I nodded as Peter started the car I ran inside and grabbed my laptop and locked the door behind me. I got in the car and we were off to get us some much-needed coffee.




Just some fun dialogue and confrontation.

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