You're Hired

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Hi, so I wrote an original story called, A Man, A Myth, A Legend and I'd love if ya'll check it out.

Anyway, I'm in the mood for writing this story so expect more.



After that weird morning, Peter left to go do something, I'm pretty sure he's making trouble but he denied it when I asked. So now I'm on my own, I didn't really have a goal in mind and I didn't have a car so I just strolled around town. I didn't really get tired anymore from just walking, it would take a lot more than that with the wolfy/foxy powers.

I milled around town, poking my head into any stores that I found interesting. There were a few book stores that I poked around in for a few hours. The one store that caught my attention was a fake magic trinket shop, you know the healing crystals and the like. But what drew me in was the 'Help Wanted' sign on the window. I was looking for a job. I mean it wasn't at the top of my list since Peter insisted on buying food, since according to him even if I did have money I couldn't buy his quality food. Which is a load of crap because I saw him eating ramen the other day and if that was his quality then he has pretty low standards.

But now that a job is being dangled in front of me, why not?

I walk into the shop and there is no one, anywhere. I mean the shop is kinda spooky with its dim lighting and its dark wallpaper. Though it fits the style of the town to a T. I walk around and poke a few things. When I get out to the checkout counter I see one of those bells and the temptation gets the best of me and I ding it.

I look around expecting someone to pop out, maybe yell boo, but nothing. I ding it a few(10) more times and wander around a bit more. I was skimming the bookshelf when someone barges in louder than I did. They were carrying a lot of shopping bags. They didn't even notice me so I just observed.

Apparently this person worked here because they walked into the back like only someone who owned the place did. I waited but they never came back so I walked up to the counter and dinged the bell 3 times and the man sticks his head out.

"Oh..............hi", the rest of their body joins and at full height, he stands taller than me.


I give a mini-wave.

Awkward right on with business,

"I came because of the 'Help Wanted' sign," I point to the one in the window.

The guy seems dazed for a minute but then he smiles,

"OH! Really you're the first person to come in for that, and it's been up for a month. The boss is a little picky but I'm sure you'll do great."

He smiles with all his teeth and then paused,

" Uh the boss won't be back for a few hours yet, you could come back later or chill in the shop if you want. If you're busy, you can leave your phone number and we can schedule an appointment at another time if you want?"

I thought about it for a little. I don't really have anything to do for a while. Peter's off doing who knows what and I don't really want to hang out with anyone from school unless I'm prepared to play 21 questions again.

"I'll wait, I'm not busy."

The guy smiled and said okay as he said he had to do something in the back and left me alone once again.

Ok, alone in the shop once more, I picked out six books on the supernatural and found an old chair and sat. I should've dusted it off because the moment I sat down a cloud of dust rose into the air. I had a mini coughing fit but I was fine. I opened the first book and dug in. They were actually pretty high-quality stuff. Like there were a few stupid facts intermingled with the truth. Whoever wrote this definitely knew the supernatural exists but they didn't want some random person thinking it was true.

One book in the pile was labeled werewolves and I noticed how the description described both my kind and Peter's, but not as separate but as one. I read on anyway. To see if this book had any answers I might need. But in the end nothing.

There were mentions here and there on witches. One really cool fact that I'll have to show Bonnie is that her family name is mentioned in there. Apparently it had a few witch family names in there. The book mentions them as powerful families. I read through all the six in my lap in an hour and since I had time I put the back and got another six.

I found a book about vampires. But it was more like someone's personal book because there was handwriting in the margins and it had photographs taped in. There were a few pictures with red circles pointing out who were vampires and there were X's marking their respective kills.

I looked around but that guy wasn't there, so I slipped my phone out and took photos of all the vampires. I basically photocopied that book into my phone. Better to be safe than sorry if I'm going to be hanging out with them.

Moving on there was one book that I'm surprised was even there, even though this collection in it of itself was crazy good. There was a tiny book that could fit in my palm but it was probably the best book in the collection for me. It listed dangerous monsters from Japan.

And of course, it mentioned Kitsune and Nogitsune. I had a feeling after reading these books they probably weren't for sale. But I need this book. From what I've already read it goes in-depth on each of the different elemental Kitsunes and it talks about certain effects of Nogitsune's. I kinda need this book.

But instead of pocketing it like I wanted to I took pictures and put it back. If I stuck in more than before then sue me I wanted to read it later. I walked around once more but I had already looked at all this stuff, I was bored. 2 or 3 hours passed, I wonder what this elusive boss did?

And speak of the devil. I was in the corner near the front shaking a bottle of something and I hear footsteps from outside closing in on the store I don't turn but I tune in. The door opened less frantically than the guy who I was never introduced to. And from there the steps were confident and were walking right to me.

I turned my head and an older woman with black pin-straight hair and stern green eyes were looking at me.

"You know that stuff could burn you if it touches your skin,"

I looked at the bottle and placed it down. Okay, so this shop was a bit more legitimate.

"Uh thanks for telling me."

"Well, it would be bad for business if a customer was to die in my shop. Also, where is that idiot I hired? To leave you alone in the shop. Not that you're a bad person who would steal but he should still be up here."

I just stared on as she rambled, huh this must be what I'm like, wow. The woman moved farther in and looked around and stared at her bookshelf. I stared at her, there is no way she could possibly know.

She looked at me,

"How did you like the books?"

I paused, was this a test, no no pretend you're normal. Don't draw trouble.

"It was interesting. But I enjoyed reading them. Is there any truth to the legends of the supernatural. Or was it all someone's avid imagination."

The women for some reason started laughing, one of those full deep laughs.

"Haha, you're hired."





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