Trust Those Electric Eyes

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So this brain o' mind never stopped working from yesterday and I wrote another chapter for y'all.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this one but I'd like Peter to be in the know of Stiles other half. Even though I'm not gonna get too into the whole "packmates" thing. Peter and Stiles do work well together and are pack. So I feel the trust should slowly be initiated between them throughout the book so that by the end they are less acquaintances and more friends.

Also, I agree with the whole big confrontation between the Mystic falls gang and Stiles but I feel Bonnie and Stiles really get along so I wanted to establish a little trust there. Because their personalities clash well together.



I get a text from Bonnie. It asked Damon's question again but sounded Bonnie-like.

"Stiles do you know about the supernatural. Cause Damon said you do. He said that you must at least know something. I'm a witch. I won't judge. I'm still new to this and however, you're involved I hope we're still friends." She writes.

I showed it to Peter to see what I should say. I wouldn't mind telling Bonnie and my cousin. But Peter also needs to give some input because he can decide whether or not to get involved.

"Well you were right they know something is up. I don't really mind telling Bonnie. And I eventually planned on telling Tyler so what do you want to do." I look to Peter as he finishes off his meal.

He looks contemplative.

"I'd rather not get involved. Not to say I'm not getting involved, Tyler's mother invited me to a founders meeting since I told her that I wanted to get involved with the community."

I gave him a look,

"Don't get too involved with my aunt." He just smirked.

"Don't worry Stiles I'm a perfect gentleman. However, I'm going to start taking the stuff to prevent compulsion. Leave me out of whatever you tell them, I'm sure you can come up with a reason why I'd know about all this stuff. But if you could avoid mentioning me, but I'm sure they'll insist so keep it along the lines of I am a human with knowledge."

He said taking a long breath after speaking for so long. I scrunched my face,

"So a hunter." Peter glared at me,


I laughed,

"Fine, but I have something to tell you, that I'd rather you keep a secret just between us. And I mean preferably never tell anyone else."

Peter gave me a look,

"Would I rather not know it?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"I mean if you really don't want to know,"

I tell him with a frown, as much as I wanted to keep the kitsune thingy a secret, I wanted someone to know. To at least have someone help me figure it out.

"Fine tell me. I won't say anything, trust me." Peter said as his scent changed.

I don't really know what it changed to but I continued. But I nodded anyway.

"I do trust you, Peter, I wouldn't have said anything otherwise. Anyway, I think I found out the reason behind the purple eyes."

Peter is surprised, for more that one reason.

"You know? When did you figure it out."

I scratched my head sheepishly,

"Well actually after the full moon, but I wasn't sure and I didn't really want to say anything in Beacon Hills."

"Why?" Peter asked.

"Well because I'd be thrown back into Eichen House. I think void left something behind."

I tell Peter, as I tense my shoulders waiting for the reprimand that would usually come from my dad or Scott. But Peter says nothing. He just looks tense,

"What did he leave behind?"

I decide to just throw my theory out there.

"Well, I think, that I could be, a ... well, I'm definitely a werewolf. But I could also be a Kitsune. Like both. A hybrid." I finish.

Peter doesn't talk leaving the room in silence. He doesn't seem angry at me for not telling him. He's probably processing everything, which I understand. But suddenly he interrupted my thoughts.

"Show me." He says. I pause, I don't really know how to prove- ohhh.

"Hold on," I say quickly as I jump up and run into my room to grab something from my bedroom.

I had taken a taser from my dad's before I left to try it out again at another point. I run back to Peter and sit so quickly the chair topples over. I promptly adjust myself and put the taser in front of Peter on the table. He looks at it, sparks it and looks at me confused,

"What are you going to do with this?"

"Well, I can flick my eyes purple." As I do at the moment.

"But Kira's eyes never really changed color unless she was full sword-swinging samurai mode. So that really proves nothing, plus my eyes never really changed as the Nogitsune, at least I don't think it did. So that's why I brought the taser."

I say pointing to the taser.

"I found this out by accident actually." I grab the taser and slowly stick my finger between the prongs. Peter grabs my hand before I can.

"Stiles this hurts." I wave him off and brush my fingers onto the electricity.

Shock spreads through Peter's face as the electric slides across my skin and up throughout my body into my chest not hurting me in the slightest. Honestly, it feels good. Like a warm pleasant feeling filling up my chest. I stop the taser and place it back onto the table.

"This could also be why I'm immune to compulsion but this is all new because there's not like there's a book on hybrids or one of a kind creatures that happen by stupid chance."




So next chapter Stiles will go to school, and he'll have to face the music.

I really love this story. It's playing out so well in my mind.

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