Attracting Attention Even When You Don't Want To

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Hello. It's been a few days.

I'm in a good mood recently. My English teacher said the nicest things about my writing and it's in my book some of the highest praises I got. I mean if someone gives me a compliment its all nice and good, but to compliment my writing it's probably the best thing ever. Because I work so hard on it and the writing that he was praising was something I was really proud of writing and I'm just a ball of sunshine and I got this compliment 3 days ago. It hasn't waned in the slightest.

Also, no it's not who you think it is. I know some of the wording would lead you to believe it's him. But it's not.

You might understand that after you read. If not it's okay that leads to the mystery.



We get to the coffee shop. It's a small mom and pop shop it smells pretty heavenly though. Though I may be biased because I think coffee in any form smells heavenly. Peter orders some food or something and I get a coffee with a little bit too much espresso in it but my brain needs it. As I drink I open my laptop and start researching new residences. It's easy enough to hack into the police database and get what I need though my search becomes kind of fruitless because of course they're not officially shown in the registry because why would they be? When is it ever that easy? Also when vampires can influence things through mind control, why would there be a paper trail? I groan in frustration. But then I sense something. I can't really tell what it is but a man and woman walk into the shop. They don't look unusual or anything. Actually they are pretty good looking people. I don't know why they stick out to me but I'm getting a bad vibe.

I type as much on my computer and show Peter what I wrote. He glances at the couple? His head tilts like a dog. And he types back.

"He's a vampire. No heartbeat."

After I read what he wrote I focused back on the man and tried to find a heartbeat-like Peter said and he's right. Definitely a vampire. But that's not what I sensed. Well, I don't think it was. It feels like there is something different about him. I tried to focus on their conversation and it's about some history thing. Honestly not important and it has no connection to what's up with that guy.

I typed on the computer to Peter once more.

" Peter he's weird. And not just because he's a vampire. There's something else he makes me feel... well no not me... how do I put this? My fox side it's telling me something is different about him. I kinda think it's telling me were kindred spirts but I have no idea what that means," Peter reads the message and smells the air but types that he can't tell.

"You think he's one of the new people Damon talked about?" I typed back.

"Maybe. Let's keep an eye out. But for now, let's stop. We haven't talked in like ten minutes." Peter types than closes the laptop after I read the message. I glared him and begrudgingly sipped my coffee.

"Fine how's your mingling with the town going?" I ask Peter in lew of conversation.

He laughs,

"It's been fine. The town is not bad. A lot of old families with lots of money that they spend on fancy parties. Not really my crowd but not the worse. Also very different from back home so honestly it's good enough. How's school?"

I sigh, in the scheme of things I haven't been paying too much attention to school. I honestly couldn't tell you anything my teachers talked about this week. Hell, I don't even know their names. I got too caught up again. I lie, of course, no heartbeat signs.

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