Derek 2.0

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Ah... Hello... Sorry.

I know it's been so long. I know, I know. I feel terrible.

But I was enjoying my vacation. And tomorrow school starts. On my birthday of all days.

So even though it's a day early since I don't want to keep you waiting.

This is giving a present to you. One for my birthday. YAY! Right?


I wake up early the next morning. I searched on the Internet last night seeing if there were buses in town. And there was but I also figured out that I don't live so far from the school. I didn't realize this before since it was dark when we came home but we're half a mile away from the school. And with my werewolf powers, I can easily jog that every morning.

So now I know I don't need Peter to drive me to school every day. Which would've been horrible because he would've been so angry every morning? I'll just save up money and get a job and buy myself a car but for now, walking is fine.

Peter is not up yet he's just been sleeping or catching up on his lack of sleep. I make some coffee and a piece of toast with butter and I generally just get my stuff together to go for my first day of school in Mystic Falls. Alter sound and grab my backpack and put my sneakers on and start my morning jog to school I guess. I'm still pretty early but I have to go to the information desk and gather some, well information, about my classes and school things.

I make it to school in about 30 minutes, I was only doing a light jog no need to work up a sweat before school. Also, I don't know if I have any gym classes today so even if I'm a werewolf I don't have an extra change of clothes and I don't want to sweat. I walking to school it's pretty empty since it's still kind of early and school doesn't start until 8 o'clock.

I walk into my class at a sedate pace since I'm early that there's no rush. With my schedule in hand, I walk to my first class of the day. I sit somewhere in the middle. Incase I get distracted or something. I wait until the class fills. Everything is normal. Well until my cousin walks in. He enters with a group consisting of three girls and another guy. It kind of reminds me of a few years ago back in beacon hills. When I still had friends like that. Well not that I don't know. I'm sure Lydia and Malia would still talk to me if I tried, but I didn't feel the need to think about Beacon Hills, especially not when I'm trying to start anew. So I shake the memory away and focus on the thing that made this little sight weird. I was this weird smell. I didn't want to physically smell the air, less anyone unsavory notices yet I still could smell it as the group moved closer when Tyler started to move in front of me. I try to pinpoint who the smell belongs to before they get to me. But it could be more than one of them. And I'm still a bit new at this. Differentiating smells is still a hard task when I'm only been at this for a month and a half.

I can't tell by the time conversation is initiated, so I give up and focus on the people in front of me. I wanted to at least leave a good impression since I'm gonna be living here for at least a little while.

"Hey, Tyler," I say cheerily as he stops in front of me.

The rest of his group seems to actually notice me and they have those smiles that people give to others they meet for the first time. Not necessarily fake but not genuine either.

"Hey, Stiles. So let me introduce you to my friends." He starts to point people out.

First, he points to the other guy in the group, basically tall, dark and broody. Kinda reminds me of Derek, with the whole dark and mysterious look. But obviously not Derek as he's introduced as Stefan.

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