Quitting My First Job

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This is a bit of a short chapter, not too short but shorter than normal. This chapter wasn't originally going to be like this. I changed some of the plot, that I had already written because I thought of something better I guess.

Not that it matters much I guess.

Anyway, I've been updating a lot of other fanfic recently that I've been writing so this is why it's been a little bit delayed. But since I wrote something 10 minutes ago I decided to post it.




Stiles POV:

After leaving Klaus' house, I quickly drive on down to my boss's shop. I made sure to call ahead of time to make sure she was in. I didn't want to just drop in unannounced. But I also didn't want to do this over the phone. I slowly parked my jeep in front of the store, even though the sign said not to park today. I was going to be quickly in and out, so I chanced it anyway.

I opened the door to the store, and I walked in to see my boss at the counter, waiting for me. She was sipping either tea or coffee I couldn't tell as the cup was not transparent. But the smoke rising off it alluded to some kind of warm drink. Not that it mattered anyway.

She put the glass down and like some kind of freaking mind reader; she already knew what I was going to tell her,

"So it seems your time here has come to an end, and you're quitting. I always expected you to be at a fast pace, always moving, or was it running from something? It doesn't matter, I guess, don't look at me so shocked I've always been a little omniscient. I already told you about my eye and how good I am at seeing things that are hidden, the future is a thing that is hidden, and yet it also can be seen by some. Not that I can see the future just have a better understanding of what may happen next."

Whoa, this stepped up a level, I always knew my boss was some type of supernatural creature since she identified me as a werewolf immediately. Still, the fact that she can maybe, sort of, see into the future is just, kind of mind-boggling. Though she probably won't give me a straight answer, those types never do.

Even though she introduced herself as a witch, I feel like she's not just a witch; she's a little too powerful, considering the only other witch I know is Bonnie, but she just seems more.

"Well you literally just took the words right out of my mouth, I am quitting, and I am leaving town. Some people from Beacon Hills are looking for me, and I don't want to be found yet." I say, leaning against the wall.

"But that's not all you came here for. You could've quit over the phone. Even if it is rude. You need something from me... is it that book you copied into your phone?"

Ahh, she knew about that...

"No. I was wondering if you knew anybody that I could learn from like a mentor."

She smirked, so much like the smirks that sit on Klaus' and Peter's face when they know something beneficial for them is going to happen,

"If I'm going to recommend you a mentor, I'm going to have to know what you are."

Ugh, she's too much, why do I surround myself with seemingly ordinary yet evil people.

"Fine since you're helping me, and I hope that you won't spread this information around. I am a hybrid, half Werewolf, and half Kitsune. Or at least I think so."

After hearing that information, my boss quickly turned around and started rifling through some papers behind the counter. She looked around for a while, seeming not to find what she was looking for until she walked into the back, a place I was never allowed to go. After a few more minutes, I hear a little 'a-ha' from back there, and she walks out carrying a book, a big leather book with a thick spine. Putting it down on the counter and flipping through a few pages, she lands on a page labeled Kitsune. As someone who owns so many books, she did the weirdest thing, and she ripped the page clean out of the book. And she handed it over to me.

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