Is It A Double-Cross?

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So I had a pleasant conversation yesterday, with the readers of my story and with my friends in my personal life. I slept for maybe 3 hours and when I woke up for some reason, I decided to write another chapter.

Here's that other chapter. I quite like this chapter and I have an idea for the next one which I'll be writing, probably today. So there's an off-chance that there might be another chapter posted today. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until after the 16th for anything to be posted.

Anyway enjoy:



Stiles POV:

I walked up to the property, it was a nice big house, kind of too much room for just one person. But I walked up the small steps and knocked on the door. I expected Klaus to open the door, but it was his brother, Elijah.

"Hi. Is Klaus here?" I cut the small talk, we're not friends, and I kind of body-slammed him the last full moon so yeah just trying to bypass the fact that he might want to retaliate.

"Why do you need him?" Elijah asks, yet he doesn't go to call Klaus or act as he might even do it.

He kind of looks like he wants to send me away.

"I need to tell him something. Private matter between us. So can you call him or do I have to scream his name really loud so that he can hear me from wherever he is." I say while scratching my head already bored with whatever is his problem.

I just need to tell Klaus I'm leaving. It doesn't have to be this whole affair. I just want to let them know I'm going. If Klaus needs me I'll leave a phone number he can reach me on and that's all. But I have this person standing in my way of completing that. Ugh.

But apparently my whining won out as Klaus walks by opening the door farther and glaring at his brother.

"Stiles, do ignore my brother, he's curious as to why you're so useful to me. What is it you need?" I side glance at Elijah, but I realize even if I send him somewhere else he'll probably still hear what I'm going to say so might as well just say it in his presence.

"Unfortunately, I have to leave. Something came up and I don't wish to run into anyone from my past. But it seems my past will not go away. A simple version is that my ex-friends back home are trying to find me and I don't want to be found. So I'm gonna skip town and go traveling with Peter for a while. But if you need us, I'll text you my new phone number. Also, we will be traveling with Lydia so if you ever need back up, you know who to call. Also if you ever get any new information for me you could reach me to that number." I word vomit.

Klaus looks shocked like he didn't expect me to go. Which is true, even I expected to stay here for at least another month.

"If the people who are chasing you come here couldn't you just kill them?" Klaus asks like it's a simple solution to just kill someone.

I guess if you've been alive for 1000 years and you've been a vampire for basically all of those years and you've killed basically a ton of humans because you eat them. Then I guess killing one or two people wouldn't really make a difference in the long run, would it?

"Yeah well that may be the solution to your problems, but I would not like to kill everyone I've ever known. Plus apparently my dad got roped into it somehow so I'll just avoid for now. Anyway, it was about time I left Mystic Falls anyway. I came here for answers and found absolutely nothing so I should leave and Peters kind of bored of being here so might as well just go. Anyway, I finished high school I got my diploma in the mail two days ago so, maybe I'll go to college. I'll keep you informed." I say offhandedly.

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