Book Bonding

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Hello, thanks for patiently waiting. I have two chapters ready to post.

This chapters kind of like a bonding chapter, and the next one is like I was tripping on acid while writing it, so enjoy lol.



After one gulp, then another, I finish swallowing the whole potion. It tasted like shit, kind of what you would expect considering the color of it was a warm green with like dirty bits of stuff floating around it. Just plain nasty. I waited a minute, then I touched my face. I still felt Peter's face, I touched my shoulders, still Peter's shoulders, I looked at my boss with a curious glance in my eye.

"Did this just not work? Or is it supposed to be so slow?"

But my boss just laughs like this is all funny for some reason.

"Here..." She hands me a mirror and looking into the mirror I can see the change happening.

Oh, it's very weird to watch considering I didn't see it happen the first time. First, my eyes have a black cloud of wispy smoke crossover them. Then the color changes from blue to brown. Then the same happens with my nose, a black cloud of dust swirls over my nose, then my nose changes from Peter's nose to my own. And slowly my whole face does the same thing and I'm looking at my own face again, I'm looking at myself. My body has the same effect, little black clouds fly over each body part as they change. Soon enough, there I am standing as Stiles again.

I hand the mirror back to my boss,

"Thanks a lot, really."

She takes the mirror back and places it on the counter.

"No problem Stiles. Now I hope sometime in the future you could tell me what you are. I'm so very curious."

I smirk,

"Maybe. But maybe you could figure it out on your own, with your all-seeing eye and all." I say as I suspect that she knows more than she's letting on.

But she just smirks and waves me away. I ask if she still needed me, but she said it was my sick day. So I head bac k home.

At my beautiful home, I find an unwanted guest. Now I find two unwanted guests, who are fighting with each other.

"Damon, Klaus what do I owe the unpleasure of having you both on my porch," I ask sarcastically.

Klaus walks up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder,

"I was waiting for you, but unfortunately I had something stuck to me." He says pointing to Damon.

I just sigh,

"Listen I've had a long day, can we just skip the theatrics and both of you tell me what you want," I tell them tiredly.

"I want him dead if you could do that I'll let you sleep forever." Was the jibe from Damon.

"Sleep forever in death I assume. Plus I don't have any grudge with him, so why would I want him dead." I ask.

"Because he's dangerous," Damon argues.

"I'm dangerous, hell your dangerous, yet you don't see me killing you or myself, plus he's not that dangerous," I say thinking of the Nogitsune, now that thing needs to just die the moment it lives, like fuck that shit.

"Not that dangerous?" Damon mocks, "Really now?"

Even Klaus pipes up,

"Love the unwavering loyalty Stiles, really I do, but I'm the most dangerous," Klaus says rather smugly.

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