The Ritual

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Hello, I'm depressed and pissed off. Life is currently chucking boulders at me.

I hope you enjoy.

More chapters may come after, but I'm not really in the mood to write anymore after the whole boulder thing. You know it hurts and stuff.

Ummm... author here... I fucked up the spell a bit. For now... since I don't want to scrap half of what I wrote. The sacrifices that are needed in my version of the curse-breaking spell is a human, a vampire, a werewolf, and of course, Elena. I'm sorry it just means another person is going to die.


I ranted again. You can skip the End Notes if you don't wanna know.



Tyler POV.

8 a.m.: " Hey, Bonnie, I know it's early, and I was just wondering if you'd seen Caroline. I haven't seen her since two days ago. And I'm kind of worried. But maybe she's hanging out with you. I'm going to go to her house later to see if she's there, just call me back if you hear anything. Thanks."

9 a.m.: "Hey, Stefan. Have you seen Caroline? I've been looking for her everywhere, but I can't seem to find her. No one's picking up their phone I'm going to try a few more people, but I'm getting worried I haven't seen her in a while. If you see her get back to me, you know."

10 a.m.: " Hey, Matt, have you seen Caroline? I can't seem to find her if you see her tell her I've been looking for her. You're probably at work right now. When you get this, call me back. Thanks, man."

11 a.m.: "Hey Elena, I know you're not answering your phone right now, and you're probably busy, but when you get this message, could you call me back because Caroline is missing and I can't find her. I really need to talk to her, so if you could get back to me and if you see her, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to call everyone to see before I call her mother. I don't want to worry everyone if it's over nothing. Anyway, if you see her, just call me back, I kind of need her tonight so if you can get back to me thanks, Tyler."

I left a voicemail on Elena's phone and everyone else's phone. I can't find Caroline anywhere. Maybe I should go over to the boarding house to see if she's there. Where else could she be? The Grill? She knows I need her on the full moon. Look what happened last full moon when she wasn't there. Stiles' friend still gives me the stink guy anytime I see him. But it's bizarre that I can't find her. Where the hell could she have gone?

Stiles POV:

I woke up with a new understanding of my headaches after having so many of them I figured it out. And I've got it down packed. And thankfully, I can now control myself on a day such as this. Hopefully, this lasts until the night. And hopefully, this control doesn't falter.

I wake up to the sounds of torture. Always an excellent way to start the morning, not. What the hell happened when I fell asleep? When did I fall asleep? Who the hell is making all that sound? I walk out of my room down the stairs, and I see Peter sitting in the kitchen happily drinking coffee like he can't hear the screams coming from the basement. I stand there, just mouth open staring until he notices me. Though I'm pretty sure he heard me come down the stairs.

"Ah, Stiles, Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asks while taking a sip of coffee and facing me.

"I'm not hallucinating the sounds am I?" I ask because there's clearly sounds coming from the basement.

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