A Shapeshifting Disaster

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This is going to be an extra-long special chapter! What could be three chapters is going to be rolled into this one chapter. This is an idea I had a very long time ago. So I wrote it down so that I could maybe explore it sometime in the future. And that sometime in the future is now so yay. I think you're going to really like this chapter and it's really going to expand into Stiles' future abilities that he has many more of that we have yet to discover. Or that you have yet to discover, I know of a few already ;)

I will say the F word was thrown around quite a lot in this chapter but it has its purposes.

Edit (12 pages and counting, I might have to split this into two chapters, holy crap I'm writing a lot.)

Enjoy you, fine beautiful people!



Stiles' POV:

I'm just sitting at home, in a few days, Klaus is going to do the ritual he told me he wanted me there to help him or something I said okay. Peter's out of town right now he needed to go do something, he said he'd be back in a week. So as the executive decision-maker at the moment, I decided why not, what could go wrong? Of course, a lot could go wrong but, what am I going to say, no? To Klaus, huh yeah right.

Anyway, I think I'm strong enough at the moment. But of course, I worry a little bit. I mean it's impossible not to, considering how I am and how fast my mind works. It's not too much of a problem I mean I'm pretty confident in my own abilities and Klaus said he only wanted me to watch so hopefully my only part will be needing to watch and not some other bullshit.

I don't know why this happened but let me tell you it freaked me out so much that I think I knocked myself out for like 10 minutes by accident. And by knocking myself out by accident, I mean I fell and I hit my head and when I woke up I realized I knocked myself out. Now, what would cause this to happen? Well, I was worrying because I made a decision without Peter even though he told me not to do that. But he's out of town so I started thinking about Peter and maybe this somehow triggered it.

Honestly, since my powers at the moment are listed under the category unknown "anything" could happen. And apparently that "anything" is shape-shifting. Because I walked into the bathroom earlier and had a heart attack because in that mirror was not Stiles looking at Stiles it was Peter Hale looking at Peter Hale except I'm not Peter Hale, what the actual fuck. Once I woke up from being knocked out after I hit my head against the cabinet in Fright.

I stood back up look in the mirror again and I was still fucking Peter Hale. like I was actually Peter Hale I touched my hand and it was Peters you know I touched my face and I had his fucking goatee. My eyes were blue. I was shorter than normal. I was buffer than normal. What the fuck, like really, what happened to me?

After a few, you know how hours or so, I realized I might have been stuck like this. Because it did not go away, I thought maybe I should calm myself down because obviously freaking out is not making it go away. I walked around, I tried to you know meditate but you know how far I got with that. I searched up information about shape-shifting and I got literally nothing. Eventually, I just sat down on the couch and stared at the wall thinking how the fuck am I going to fix this.

I didn't even know I could shape-shift in the first place. I mean did the Nogitsune shape-shift ... I guess he kind of did. He sorta took the shape of me after he left me for dead but I didn't think that meant I could turn into other people. The possibilities of this power are amazing but it's not something I want to be stuck as is at the moment. As great as Peter is, I don't want to be his freaking twin by the time he gets back home. Also, I like being Stiles thank you very much.

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