The Finality Of A Death

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So it's been a day, honestly, I wrote the last chapter yesterday and part of this chapter. Then I ate some food and I fell into a food coma and I knocked out. And I didn't wake up till two in the morning today. And then I watched a YouTube video, drank some ice tea, and then I started finishing the last chapter. And I finished it obviously because I'm posting it.

Anyway, this is the last chapter. I hope you enjoy it. And thanks for sticking around and reading this very long book.

***Honestly I could've written another chapter but I decided not. I'll put it in as a little prologue in the next book. Since I'm going to do a little bit of a time skip so I'll give a little summary chapter in the beginning and that should conclude what happens later on this day and what Stiles and Peter are doing later on. ***


Lydia POV:

I yawned as I stepped off the plane. I had a good nap. But it seems I was the only one. Everyone else looks disgruntled and disgusted. I have to hold back my laughter, but this is good.

"Okay. You all look like you need a nap. So you guys should go find a hotel, and I can go find Stiles. And before you say anything, I think it would be better if I went to go find Stiles first, alone. To at least give him a little heads up that you are all here. Because as much as you guys are a welcoming committee, I think having all of you show up at his front door without well, without a little notice, will probably spook him into running away from you guys."

Scott looked skeptical, but then he thought about my words and eventually decided I was in the right.

Deaton seemed suspicious, "You wouldn't mind leaving his address with us then."

I smiled, "No, of course not. Here. I'm working with you guys, sheesh."

I said, handing off the address that I wrote down on a piece of paper.

"I am going to head over to Stiles' house now. I'm gonna take my luggage with me because last time I stayed with them so why would I get a hotel this time. Give me at least half an hour. So I can prep him, and then you guys come. If you give me a warning text, that would probably make it all the better but half an hour at most. Okay?" I ask Scott.

"Okay, thanks, Lydia." I nod. And catch one of the taxi's that stopped. I told the driver Stiles' address, but halfway through the ride, I told him a different one. Never can be too careful around werewolves.

Klaus POV:

The lovely redheaded banshee texted me she was on her way.

Today is going to be fun. I had Katherine set up a room for her, and now I am just waiting on her arrival.

Hopefully, she managed to lose her entourage of werewolves, but if she didn't, I could take them.

Lydia POV:

The cab drops me off in front of Klaus' house, or should I say mansion. Because that's what it is, a mansion. My house is nothing to scoff at, but this is like an old colonial-style mansion. It only takes a few steps up the driveway before Klaus is opening the door.

"Lydia, love, so nice to see you again."

I smirk, but it falters a bit after I see another man standing by the door and... what was her name, Elena? Watching from the window.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" I say as we get closer to the front door.

"Ah, yes, my dear brother Elijah. And the woman upstairs is Kathrine; you could ignore her, I try to."

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