The Witch And Her Apprentice

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I bought some mochi and it's so good guys. So yummy. :P



"You're hired, you are the boy looking for a job right?"

I was dumbfounded

"What? Uh... I mean yeah, but how'd you know?"

She chuckles,

"Jacob told me."

"Uh, I don't know who that is-"


I grabbed my ears, ow, her voice is loud. And I guess I re-meet Jacob now. The woman is scolding him for not introducing himself. It's really a funny sight since Jacob looks ten times stronger than the boss he's hanging his head and apologizing lots. They finally turn to me after ten minutes of yelling.

"Well since he lost his manners I'll introduce us, my name is Elenor Sevrenty and this is Jacob McCabe. I own this place and business is slow. To not beat around the bush I'll say it straight, I'm a witch, he's my apprentice, though you are an enigma. I can't tell what you are. Are you hiding what you are? And now don't lie I can tell your not human from the moment you entered my shop."

Well, this is new. I never met a witch, minus Bonnie she is new, that was so skilled. Peter said to be warry.

"I'm not human, I guess if you know I won't lie. My name is Stiles, but I'm not exactly keen on telling any witch I meet what I am."

She nodded,

"Well at least you're not stupid. Stiles' was it, being cautious is advantageous. Do you still want to work here now that we have the formalities out of the way?"

I was confused,

"You're not going to press for what I am? I hardly believe you'll be satisfied with not knowing."

She smiled,

"Well, I'm sure I can get the answer with patience and getting to know you. So how about it, you don't have much to do, just watch the shop while either Jacob or I aren't in town. The hours don't matter much, we don't get many customers. Only tourists and friends of mine visit. None of the books are for sale but can be looked at while in the shop. And otherwise, everything has a price on it. If it doesn't then it's not for sale. And if someone comes in asking for me, the answer is always that I'm out, even if I'm here. And if for some reason a bad person enters the shop. Just close this door and you should be safe. Any questions, otherwise you can start tomorrow."

Well, it is a job, and I can read these books as much as I like. Plus it would give me an out to some things. It's not a bad deal. And I can make money to save up for a car. Hmmm. Well, what's not worth a little risk.

"Okay. I'm still in school but tomorrow's Sunday so I can be here at any time."

Elenor nodded

"Yes come in tomorrow at 10:30. I show you how things work. But you don't have to stay for today. You have the job, tomorrow you start so enjoy your free time today."

She pats me on the back and disappears into the back. Jacob does the same but says bye and also disappears.

I exit the shop and walk down the street. Well, that was weird, no that was very weird. The chances I meet another witch and that she has books, that I need it's dangerous. I walk to the town hall, it's where Peter is, I turned the GPS on his phone on. I didn't exactly tell him but it's not a big deal. This is just for emergencies and when I need to talk to him and can't find him. It hasn't really bothered him and he can just turn it off if he figures out that I turned it on. I see his car parked in one of the reserved parking spaces. I walk into the building sniff out his scent. It's pretty easy with living with the guy for a few weeks. I spot him talking to my aunt. They're laughing about something. I'm about to walk in, but I'm stopped by a woman. Her scent is similar to someone I know, and when I look at her face she looks similar to Caroline. Must be her mother.

"Excuse me, you can't just walk in here without proper reason and if you have an appointment."

I scratch my head and look at Peter quickly but he doesn't notice me yet.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I'm new to town. I was just coming to see my friend. He's in there, I didn't know I had to have an appointment to come in here. Cause he's my ride home so can I just go in there and talk to him or..."

Caroline's mother who is coincidentally a police officer, a sheriff even, looks me up and down and then looks into the room but I was about to enter.

" What's your name?" she asks me.

"My name is Stiles Stilinski."

"Hold on one moment and don't move."

She enters the room leaving me outside and asks Peter and my aunt if they know someone called Stiles Stilinski, which Peter then proceeds to say he does know me. And my aunt also vouches that I am her family and to let me in. Caroline's mother lets me in saying that I should have told her that was family. And she closes the door behind me once I enter. My aunt stands up and hugs me asking what I'm doing here. Peter doesn't say anything. But he is sniffing the air when my aunts not looking and looks confused.

"Oh, I just realized I was really far from the house and was wondering if I can get a ride home. I was just walking around town. And I got a job."

My aunt congratulates me telling me that I'm adjusting to a new town pretty well on my own. and that if I ever need anything just ask her she's more than willing to help. Not too long after I enter the room Peter and I leave together going back home since it's pretty late already. I tell him in detail what happened throughout the day and about my new job. About who I'm working for and I asked him if he thinks I should still work there because of the Witch debacle. he doesn't really have any pointers. He's sort of curious as to how powerful they are. So he just says stay and take the job there's no reason to doubt they are who they say they are yet and knowing a witch that you could trust is a good thing to have in the long run. We head home and each do our own things eventually falling asleep.





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