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So, I have finished the book, almost, the last chapter is basically 500 words from being complete. Is my guesstimate.

I told some people I was going to upload it at 2. But it seems my celebratory food for completing the story arrived really late and I didn't end up having time to edit my story. Which means I'm uploading it later than I said I was going to. But it's getting uploaded anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, this is the second to last chapter. I think you guys will really like this chapter, I had a blast writing it so hopefully, you guys will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And the last chapter is in the works and will be posted today. I'm not going to set a time because obviously I'm not great at keeping to them.

I'm writing this note at 2 but I am not even halfway into editing so it's definitely not getting uploaded right this second.



*Everything that looks like this is my own personal thoughts that I interjected into the story.*

Lydia POV:

I make my way over to the Sheriff's house. Scott, as dumb as he is, can sometimes be secretive if he wants to. Every time I prodded for what his plan was, he turned the conversation in a different direction. So my next route was the Sheriff, unfortunately for him, I have an advantage against him. You can see as plain as day he feels guilty for shunning Stiles and yelling at him. Mainly he just misses Stiles.

And obviously, Stiles still cares about his dad, he's just upset because of the Theo distrust thing. But the love is still there. However, I know for a fact that the Sheriff knows Scott's plan because Stiles said he was looking for him, which meant Scott convinced him of something. So I'm going to bribe the Sheriff with Stiles' 'Confirmed whereabouts.'


I knocked twice, and maybe the Sheriff was expecting someone else, but the door jerked open, but then all I was met with was a disappointed sheriff.

"Sheriff?" I asked as he just stared.

"Lydia, I'm busy." The Sheriff said, slowly closing the door.

I wedged my foot in between before he could manage to shut it.

"Wait, wait, I heard you were looking for Stiles," I said, trying to pry the door back open.

"So? Nobody knows where my son is. He ran away because I'm a terrible father. I can't find him anywhere. And his Jeep isn't where I thought he hid it. I have nothing. I even called some relatives I haven't seen in years and nothing. *Carol is a boss for not giving Stiles up; says the author* No one knows where he disappeared to." The Sheriff says, letting go of the door.

Slumping in his living room. I walked in, the place was a mess. Stuff was thrown in frustration, and all the picture frames of Stiles turned down.

"Well, no one except me," I say confidently.

The Sheriff looks up, skeptical, but you can see the hope in his eyes.

"You know where my son is. How?"

"Well, unlike some people, I trust Stiles, and we are still good friends. I saw him two weeks ago. And I can tell you where but..." I let that hang in the air.

I see him wince, but he asks,

"But what? Are you blackmailing a police officer?"

I smirked, "Well, I want something, you want something. I'd call this a trade."

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