The Grill

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Ah hello again.

I've not eaten anything today. No today I wrote and I wrote and I wrote. I've been writing since 1pm and it's now 10pm. I've not stopped for a second. And I've written so much.

In my drafts I originally had 7 pages written for this story now looking again there are 21 pages written.

I have another chapter coming after this. It is truly a birthday present for y'all. Cause I wrote 4 chapters today. And you got them all right after I've written them.



After the class was over I walked to the front of the school. I never really used my locker, also I forgot to bring a lock so, that was another reason. I sat on the steps and called Peter seeing if he was up yet or, had the bed swallowed him whole in the time I've been away.

"What." Was the response I get.

"Good afternoon. You up yet?"

I hear a dramatic sigh.

"Yeah, I've been up. Been looking over those files you printed out last night. Is this town another Beacon Hills?"

He asks, me most likely because I've been the first to experience the town.

"Uh, it might be. I heard some things but not really sure. I've got some questions later though. But not now. Anyway, I'm going to hang out with my cousin at a place called the grill. Probably a dinner or something. Do you want anything?"

I ask as I was getting kinda hungry having had so little for breakfast and I skipped lunch to explore.

"Yeah sure, anything with meat. Text me when you're coming back I'll pick you up. I wanna get out of the house." I nod my head but then forget he's on the phone,

"Yeah, I'll text you in a bit." I turn and see Bonnie coming towards me.

"I see one of my cousin's friends. I'll see you soon." I tell Peter as I hang up after a quick 'bye' over the phone.

I turn to face Bonnie fully.

"Hey." I smile at her.

"Hey so are you ready to go to the grill. It's were everyone local hangs out all the time. Also, our friend Matt works there. So he more often then not gives us free drinks."

"Cool. Oh, by the way, my friend Peter is picking me up after. So I don't need a ride home."

Bonnie looked disappointed by something I said but I couldn't fathom what.

But soon enough Stefan and Elena arrived holding hands and being completely lovey-dovey. I heard Bonnie groan and I just laughed. I was starting to like these guys. Or at least Bonnie was cool in my books. We hop into Elena's car and head down the road away from school. We start to head into town and we quickly arrive at a place called The Grill.

It's a small dinner type place like I thought. Bonnie, Elena, and Stefan all migrate to a specific seat. I just follow there lead taking in my surroundings. Though the moment we sit, Someone saunters over from the bar and plops next to Stefan.

He's older obviously but everyone else seems to know him. Stefan sighs though.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" The man, presumably Damon, smirks and looks at Stefan with an obvious look on his face,

"Waiting for you lot to show up." He looks at me in a passing glance, but zeros in on me realizing I'm new.

"Oh hey, Damon, who are you?" He holds out his hand,

"Uh hi, I'm Stiles. Tyler's cousin. I just moved here." Damon seemed curious but just shook my hand.

A second later and Tyler and Caroline walked in. They were all smiles until they saw Damon. Isn't that interesting. I'll file that away for later. They sit down anyway, the tension is thick.

No one speaks for a few minutes. Damon apparently decided he was going to break the tension he inadvertently caused in the first place.

"So Stiles, how come you never visited before. Like when you were younger?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"How do you know I didn't?" I ask. I see everyone else look at me with apprehension. Cause he did, but that was a long time ago.

Damon just smiles,

"Well, Tyler never talked about you before."

He says trying to irritate me. I just give him a look, dealing with Peter has given me enough practice with annoying people who no one seems to like.

"Well, I did visit once. But I was 3 at the time, Tyler was as well so neither of us remembers much. But I haven't visited it since so. I wouldn't see why I'd come up."

I say evenly back, not at all affected but the stares of the simple conversation I'm having with someone who's obviously trying to start something.

"Right, so what made you move? Are you alone?" Oh yeah, this was definitely an interrogation this time.

I sigh and look at my nails,

"I moved cause I got into a fight with my dad. And no I'm not alone moved with a friend of mine Peter. You can all meet him later he's coming to pick me up."

I tell the group after answering Damon's questions.

Elena speaks up,

"Oh, I don't mind driving you home."

I wave her off,

"No he wants to get out of the house and he's hungry. Anyway, he offered it earlier. It's fine." Elena accepted, looking put off like earlier with Bonnie.




So be on the lookout for the next chapter. I just have to edit.

I really want food, but I also don't want to talk to my housemates and I'm just patiently waiting until they sleep so I can finally eat. They haven't left the room all day. I need food. *crying* *hungry stomach noises*

I have to upload this 3 times over fyi. Cause I update all the accounts at the same time.

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