Is It Rare?

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My mom wants to move to Scottland. At first, I was like Scottland!?!?! But I thought about it and you know I could have my dream job there.

Don't laugh.. but my dream job is to open a library/bookstore/cafe. Kinda like mini barns and noble. It's cause I want to be a full-time writer but I need money from some other income. But yeah that's my dream.

But I was always on the search for an American town that a business like that would flourish, but I can't find any, I never thought about other countries, Because of cost, citizenship, and if I couldn't speak the language it'd be a lost cause.



Stiles POV:

I woke up to find myself alone in the house. Which was weird considering when I fell asleep there were a lot of people here. I assumed Lydia would still be here considering she has nowhere to be in Mystic Falls, though she could have gone home again. I leaned back on the couch and just stared at the ceiling, I avoided a disaster. If Bonnie had stupidly been successful with what she tried to do I would have been at a very bad disadvantage. Because I'm assuming she didn't plan to do whatever happened to Klaus because she doesn't know I'm a hybrid. I assume she wanted to literally rip out my other self which would have probably killed me and I'm very glad I avoided that. But I have to see now if I could avoid that from ever happening again.

Since I can't trust Bonnie and she's the only other witch I know, no oh, no wait I do know another witch. My boss who I've been neglecting, but she's a witch and probably stronger than Bonnie considering she's older than her and she could tell what I was the moment I came to work so maybe I could trust her. But I can't do it over the phone. I'd have to be meeting her face-to-face. Maybe I could bring Lydia with me since I'm going to have to explain it to her anyway. I don't know how that's going to go over considering how terrible things went last time the void was involved with anything. Though technically it's not the void anymore fear dies hard. Not that I blame her, I'm terrified of Nogitsune myself so it's understandable.


Peter's POV:

We drive back to the house awkwardly, I don't plan to prompt a conversation, that's usually Stiles thing.

"Peter, is Stiles okay, you beside what the witch bitch did?" Lydia asks somewhat sincerely.

"I doubt it, he's not showing it but what Scott and his dad did to him I think he's broken," I responded honestly, she's a good friend of his, or was, maybe she can make him happy again.

"Oh I swear I'm going to beat some sense into Scott when I go back," Lydia said clutching her fist.

"If I may intrude, where is Beacon Hills, I'm surprised I didn't hear of such an interesting all my life." Klaus interrupted, and the bastard was still following us.

"No back in the day, at least 20 years ago it was pretty peaceful, my family owned the land for a very long time and we made sure things of the supernatural nature rarely entered the news. Though of course, that doesn't happen anymore, though I don't care it's not my territory anymore, and nothing attaches me there." I said.

Lydia mumbled 'Malia' under her breath but as far as I heard my daughter had plans to go to France after graduation like I said unconcerned. But I just glared in her direction.

"So Lydia as much as we loved having you here when are you going are you going leave. Because as much as I'm sure we enjoy your company, I'd rather you not drag Scott McCall and others here in search of you. As this was a place that Stiles and I are hiding from you guys, shoo, is what I'm trying to say."

I tell Lydia after a moment of silence.

"You want to kick her out so fast? Her powers could be useful." Klaus says interjecting.

"Relax I'll be leaving eventually but I'd like to hang out with Stiles. I could just tell them I'm going on vacation something with my dad or something along the lines that he did something I'm sure I could lie my way through. And I'm sure they can survive without me for a few months. And it's not like I have to worry about school."

Then she turned to Klaus,

"If they ever bother you just let me know, I'll happily scream at them, I feel like that wasn't payback enough," she tells him, soon facing forward again in her seat.

Klaus nods,

"I will keep that in mind love, thank you, in advance for another demonstration of your powers."

Klaus tapped me on the shoulder and pointed down a road, it leads to a fancy house, actually nicer and bigger than Stiles' aunt's house.

"As much fun as I had these past days I am a busy man with things to do here. This is mine." He says as I pull up the driveway.

"You live here? Damn, even I don't have that much money." Lydia says.

"I do, but I have no need for such a big house," I said, with all the money left to me, and money I saved and invested.

Klaus just laughed and got out and walked away.

Once we were far enough away I sighed,

"I've been waiting for him to go," I say in relief.

"You don't like him? He seems pretty civil, if not a bit murdery, but who am I to judge." Lydia says.

"Well he has risen my respect for him from when I first met him but he's a little too strong for me to be comfortable around. From what Stiles told me he's one of the first original vampires, which means he knows a lot and he's extremely strong. Stiles wants some information from him that's why he's helping him. Also, the spell that Stiles is helping him complete breaks a curse on him which if I remember correctly is binding off his other half, which is his werewolf side." I tell her, to at least catch her up to speed.

"So he's a combination of a vampire and a werewolf. Huh? Is that rare? I don't remember reading anything about hybrid supernatural creatures." Lydia says checking her phone, it seems like she's like Stiles in the aspect that she keeps notes on her phone about the supernatural.

"It's extremely rare, like one in a billion chances. And it normally happens by accident." I would tell her about Stiles but I feel it's only right if he's here for that conversation.

But it seems a chance for that conversation is here, as Stiles is sitting on the porch swing waiting for us, he still looks tired but he seems a lot better than before.




Bruh colleges are closing down in Brooklyn because of the Convid-19 virus. A lot of private colleges are closing and every day my teachers warn us what to do if we do close down. Everyone is super hygienic and I saw people air hugging and carrying around wet wipes.

But then a lot of new yorkers are just like, this isn't a big deal and not taking any measures. Honestly, I'm not too worried because I can happily hole up in my house for weeks on end, no trouble.

But stay safe guys.

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