The Thing That happens Once A Month

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I have massive writer's block with this story ugh, I'm writing so much other things.


Like I typed a 9-page story last night. 

But writing 5 pages for this story took like weeks.

I don't know what's up. *sighing*



A week passes

It's been going good so far. I started at the job on Friday since apparently they closed early this week. The job was weird, it was boring and normal. I mean nobody comes in so I just read up and do extra classwork. I'm taking 7 classes at school and another 4 online. The school offers online classes but only to those who can handle it. And have the grades to ask for it. Anyway, l am just relaxing in the shop today. We actually had 10 people come around today, all tourists.

Most of them bought little trinkets but some bought some pricey items. One guy, I assume he's in college by the jersey, buys this huge suit of armor that was collecting dust in the back. I have no idea what he's going to do with that but to each their own right. And it cost a lot of money so yay me. It finally looks like I'm doing something when I make purchases.

I haven't really seen much of the boss around, she's never really here she stops by really late at night to collect the money and to give us our paychecks but otherwise, I don't really see her. She's quite elusive and I guess it fits her. My other fellow employee welcomes me in the morning but then he disappears into the back telling me not to enter unless of an emergency and disappears for the rest of my shift. Though he always does say goodbye when I leave.

However, today I ended early like I do every day but today was different, today is finally the full moon. Peter and I made plans, we, well I asked Tyler what he does but he was new at this too, he told me that he just has his girlfriend help him. I had told him that was dangerous but he said she was a vampire so I guess. But he had told me a week ago that vampires could die from a werewolf bite (which good to know), so I don't see how that's any safer, but he has something working out for him and I'm gonna have to manage.

I'm just glad I left with Peter, he's very different now, he seems more peaceful and happy. Which is good for him, I feel like getting out of Beacon Hill was good for him, and me as well. Peter would always be labeled as the villain there and I would have always been the dutiful little soldier to Scott's ideals and have continuously beat myself up about killing someone.

Uh well, not that I don't know, but it's easier because there are so many things distracting me. And wallowing in death does not help. At least that is what I tell myself.

Anyway since Peter and I moved here we, by we I mean Peter, spent a lot of money in renovating our basement. The basement not only looks super badass but it can also hold me. Or at least that what Peter says. I walk downstairs and I inspected the place. It was sturdy, metal everything.

I wonder what Peter told the builders, what he was building. After I took a look around I came upstairs to Peter sleeping on the couch, he had taken off today because he said he gets more agitated on full moons.

While he was sleeping I took this opportunity to steal this car for a little bit. I'm sure he wouldn't be too mad I'm a good driver. Just because my car was the sort of broken doesn't mean I was a terrible driver it just means I didn't have the money to fix my baby.

Anyway, I left the house with his car trying to be as quiet as possible so I didn't wake him which would then lead to me not being able to take his car. He would be driving me but still, I kind of want to be alone sometimes and I have a babysitter tell me but I can't drive his car.

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