Someone Like Me

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Merry belated Christmas. I was gonna post this yesterday but I fell asleep whoops.

I had such a great Christmas and got lots of cool things this year.

It's not too long but, I really like the plot points I figured out from this.



Peter was up by the time I arrived back with the groceries. I proudly carried everything I bought in one go. And I was even happier because the new strength made it super easy. Peter just lifted an eyebrow at the food but never said I spent too much money or anything, so I assume it's all good. After grabbing everything and putting it away with Peter's help, I sit, and Peter places a hot cup of coffee in front of me. I smile and take a giant gulp.

"So I see you ran into Damon again today. At the grocery store?"

Peter asks, sitting across from me. I never thought about that, why was he even in the store in the first place? This man really was following me. Great I have my own personal supernatural stalker.

"Yeah, I think half the meat I bought, he snuck into my cart, that I didn't notice until checkout. He wanted to play up the whole: I'm-the-bad-guy-listen-to-me-monologue-for-a-bit. Like you used to."

I teased, which caused Peter to look at me, and his eyes conveyed: please, eye roll and all.

" Though he did mention something that I'm going to be researching until we have to buckle down for the full moon,"

I told him as I pick up my laptop and my print outs of those books from my job.

"Oh, he let something slip? I doubt it. You should be careful; he could be trying to play you. He doesn't seem like the type of person who wants to be your friend."

" I know I'm not dumb. I'm going to be cautious, but when he was telling me this, he was also kind of calling me stupid that I didn't know of it, so I assume it was true. He seems like someone who likes to gloat in people's faces a lot."

I teased at Peter again because this was so Peter a few years ago.

"All right enough with the suspense, what did he tell you I'm interested."

Peter says, displeased at all the teasing. But he doesn't deny any of it, so obviously he knows it's the truth.

"He mentioned that the person we met the other day. The vampire. He said he was something called an original. Like-"

Peter interrupted,

"I know what an original vampire is."

I look shocked,

"What? Why don't you ever say anything about it considering we're in like vampire city?"

But Peter just sighed,

"Because I hoped I would never run into one. And I also didn't think they were real. I thought that they were a legend and not exactly real. They were the first vampires. Every other vampire in the world was sired from them. They're extremely dangerous and powerful. There's a legend in my family that talks about one of them, but I don't know if it's true. but now that I think about it might help you."

I was confused,

"Help me? I'm not a vampire. How could some old tale about people that, for some reason, you didn't know exist could help me with I'm assuming my situation as whatever I am? I don't figure out a name for myself I mean on the first of my kind, so there should be a name."

I tell Peter and then trail off at the end, only talking to myself.

"No, it's about one of the originals. I didn't think about it because I didn't think it was true, or that they were even real. But there's an old story passed out in my family, of one of the originals was half vampire and half werewolf. Apparently, he was born a werewolf and got turned into a vampire through a spell. And when he became a vampire and killed for the first time, he also triggered his curse and became a werewolf as well. But that's kind of like you right, and if he exists, then maybe, he could help you or something."

I paused; I'm not the only one. Though I'm not a werewolf and vampire combination, he's something like me. I want to meet this original. But it's definitely not the one we met. Hmmm. What to do?

"Would you be opposed to going to find him?"

I asked Peter because nothing in this town could help me really unless the werewolf vampire dude walks in the door. I could finish up classes and be gone from here in a month if I rush very hard. And then we could go and find this guy. But Peter was the person who was going to choose where to go next, so it's up to him.

"I didn't have the next destination in mind yet. I didn't think we leave so soon. What about school? You said you wanted to finish? And we don't even know where to start looking. I don't think going back and finding that, other original is a good idea. I don't think telling anyone other than maybe the other hybrid is a good idea. They might try to use you. I think all you have to do is be careful."

Peter tells me he looks worried. I understand completely because I don't even know what I could do yet, and I'm assuming I'm stronger than a normal werewolf because I'm a werewolf plus something else. The electricity ability thing alone is impressive. I have to be careful, and I understand what Peter says, but man, I want to find out. And since Peter says he doesn't have the next destination in mind, maybe we could search.

"How about as I finish school here and get it done as quick as possible. We could also search on where are the guy is. And from that point, once I graduate, we could figure out what to do from there?"

I ask Peter tentatively.

He nods and says

"We could do that. As long as we get out of this town before this town kills us. I am fine with going anywhere. And I'm not opposed to meeting this original. I hear they are strong, and having one as a friend would not be a bad idea. Though I don't know how easy it is to befriend one, it's not a bad idea in the long run. Because I hear he's feared, and no matter how strong you get, I don't know how many people are going to fear you. And for protection, we may need some fear."

He tells me as I pout.

"I could be scary if I wanted to."

Humph, I could.

Peter laughs and drinks his coffee again. But that's more of a plan then we had yesterday. And now it's time to prepare for the full moon.




So I liked this chapter, I wasn't going to go this way initially, but I like this better.

But I still have to watch the vampire diaries once again, because I need to see another character and when they appear because I need them later on. Nothing against TVD, but it is not my favorite show, honestly. So watching it is purely for the writing of this fic.

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