𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗 - misty day

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"YOUR NAME IS BILLIE, she said?" the lady asked me. i looked down and didn't reply. i may have been resurrected, but i still felt dead; dead inside. plus, even if i wanted to talk to this stranger, i couldn't. my throat felt sore as fuck.

"ah, not much of a talker are you? i guess that's because of the spell." she said.

"i haven't properly intruduced myself, have i? well hello, i'm misty. misty day." she smiled, holding her hand out.

i looked at her confused and she rolled her eyes at herself, "how ignorant of me, of course you don't know what a handshake is."

a handshake? i think i remember what that is.. i clapped my right hand against hers, a handshake. i guess i hadn't forgotten everything.

"honey, that's a high-five." she chuckled awkwardly.


"i'm a witch like you!" she grinned, "i have the power of resurgence, as that girl zoe calls it."

"i can show you!" she said, looking around. a fly buzzed across her face, she caught it in her hands with ease, she crushed it to death. she opened her hands back up and it was alive.

i looked at her amazed, she grinned. "want to listen to stevie nicks?" she asked.

i looked her in the eyes and she gave me a big grin, "trust me, you'll love it!"

misty stood up and turned on the radio, she laid next to me and sang along to the lyrics and i gave her a small smile.

"stevie didn't really find her voice until she and lindsay joined fleetwood mack." she explained.

"thats the thing, can't be your best self until you find your tribe. i'm still looking for mine." she said sadly.

she rested her head on my shoulder as we listened to the song. i didn't understand what any of the lyrics meant, but she seemed to.

"misty?" the girl from before was here again, standing at the door.

"zoe?" misty grinned and stood up.

"come see!" she took zoe's hand and lead her to me.

misty unclipped my shirt open and showed zoe that my stitch wounds were now healed.

"how did you do that?" zoe asked.

"its the acid in the mud. burns, scrapes, bug bites, i put louisiana mud on anything." she replied.

"this ones really deep." she said and pointed to a stitch mark on my arm, "i tried but that's the best i could do."

zoe kneeled down and put her finger over the stitched to feel them.

we looked eachother in the eyes, "billie, it's zoe." said zoe.

"do you remember me?" she asked.

i felt her brunette colored hair in my hand for a few moments, then she pulled it back.

"misty, i have to take her to back." zoe said.

"cordelia's worried, maybe seeing her mom will help heal her in some way."

"i healed him." misty snapped, "me. i bathed her and fed her and nursed her to health."

"you did, and i owe you big time." zoe said, "but she needs to see her mom."

misty nodded sadly, and her and zoe stood me up.

"thank you misty, i'll see you later?" zoe requested.

"of course."


zoe helped me into the car and fastened my seat belt.

"zoe..." i mumbled.

"yeah, that's me." she smiled.

she sat in the drivers seat and drove. i didn't recognize anything, but I knew i could trust her.

she parked in front of a white mansion, and turned off the car.

she got out and helped me out, putting her arm under mine to help me inside.

she opened the door and sat me on the couch, "cordelia!" she called.

a lady with blonde hair walked into the room, she had a cane in hand that guided her.

her eyes looked like marbles, the skin around them was burnt, it looked like a marshmallow that got left by fire too long.

"yes?" she asked.

"billie's here." zoe smiled.

the lady quickly walked to me and wrapped her arms around me. i hugged back, even though i didn't know her i felt a connection.

i pulled back after a few moments and looked at zoe. she was smiling at the sight.

"billie, it's me. i'm your mom." she said as she brushed my hair out of my face.

she backed up and gave zoe a sad look, "the resurrection spell caused her to lose her memory."

"i feel so bad." zoe said sincerely.

"it's not your fault, honey." cordelia reassured the guilty girl.

"i just couldn't bare not trying to bring her back." zoe explained.

cordelia put her hands on zoe's shoulder, calming her down. "don't worry, zoe. all we can do now is help billie be her normal self again."

"i know- and i wan't to help." zoe stated.

"okay, thats good. maybe speaking would be a good start." mom told her.

"i think so too." zoe agreed.

🦢 🏹☁️
sorry if this chapter seems incomplete, i'm having writers block !

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