He Gets Jelly!

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B/N=Brother's Name.

Izuku Midoryia:

Midoryia and I were talking in a cafe, we were doing homework there. "I'm going to the bathroom really quick, i'll be back" He said and left the table. I looked out the window and smiled. "Oh, Hello cutie." I looked forward I noticed there was a guy sitting there, his elbows were on the table and wrinkling Midoryia's hard work.

"Hello! Would please not put you elbows on the table you are ruining my friends hard work!" I said with a evil aura around me. "Oh, i'm sorry." He said. "I just wanted to know if you have a boyfriend?" He asked me. "I don't" I answered. "Well I-" He was cut off by Midoryia sitting next to me. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there!" Midoryia said smiling. "Who are you?" The guy asked with a disgusted face. "I'm her friend." He said smiling. "Now, I don't mean to be rude but could you leave? We are kinda busy here." I was shocked, I never seen him like this.

"I was just about to say something to her." He said, "Ok, shoot." I said. "I was going to say, I have been in a couple of relationships. I'm a pretty good boyfriend, and I am just so looking for a girlfriend." He said smirking at me. "Hmm, well if you have been in a couple of relationships you aren't as good of a boyfriend as you say you are." I said smiling, I could hear some 'Ooo's from the cafe.

He got to embarrassed and left the cafe. "So Midoryia." I said looking up at him. "Hmm?" He replied. "I never seen you act like that before, were you jealous?" I asked him, he became a bright red and hid behind his arms. "I'll take that as a yes." I said and smiled.

Shoto Todoroki:

I was waiting for Todoroki at the training grounds when a student came up to me. "Uhm, Y/N?" I looked behind me and saw someone I didn't know there. "Yes? How can I help you?" I asked him. "I wanted to ask, if you will be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Oh, sorry no." I said with a sweatdrop. "Why not?" He asked, he looked angry. "Because I don't know you." I said. "So? We can get to know eachother." He said. "No, thank you." I said and backed away. He stepped closer. "Why? I like you Y/N!" He said. "I'm sorry I can't except your feelings. I said. "Bu-" He was cut off.

Someone hugged me from behind, I looked back and saw Todoroki there. "She is my girlfriend so leave he alone, or i'll hurt you." He said with a menacing glare. "What your dating Todoroki?" He asked. "Uh, yeah..." I said unsure. "Then prove it!" He yelled.

Then Todoroki made it look like we kissed but we didn't, he just got really close. "Oh, i'm sorry, goodbye then." He said and left. "Did you get jealous?" I asked. His fir side burn a little. "No." He said and walked away. I laughed. "What about our training?" I yelled to him. "I'm not doing it today" He said while still smoking for his right side. I smiled, "Cute" I said to myself out loud.

Katsuki Bakugo:

I was working in the library but, today someone else was helping me other than Bakugo. It was my older brother B/N! "Hey B/N! I need your help here!" I said to him. "Coming!" He called back. "What do you need help with?" He asked. "I need you to carry me" I said. "What?" He asked. "I need you to carry me!  I need to reach that book up there!" I said. "Ok." He picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Oi! What are you doing with Y/N?" I looked over and saw Bakugo. "Oh, h-hey Bakugo!" I said blushing.

I tapped B/N head so he can put me down. "Oh, you done?" He asked me. I nodded, and he put me down. Bakugo grabbed me away from him. "Hey what are you doing?" B/N asked Bakugo. "She doesn't need you, I can help her." He said getting annoyed. "Uhm, B-Bakugo." I said tapping his shoulder. "Who are you anyways?" B/N asked Bakugo. "I'm her friend? Who the hell are you?" Bakugo asked. "I'm her older brother B/N" He said with a smirk.

I blushed, this was so embarrassing. "I don't give a damn! Touch her again and i'll kill you!" He said and walked away with me. We were walking down the hall, I laughed. "What the hell are you laughing at?" He said getting annoyed. "Y-You were jealous? Weren't you?" I asked. "N-No." He said walking away with a red face.

Eijirou Kirishima:

I was currently planning on pranking Iida on the roof when Kirishima sat beside me. "Hey Kirishima! What's up?" I said with a smile. "Oh, I was bored and had nothing to do so I came to see you!" He said smiling back. "Oh nice! Wanna help me prank Iida?" I asked, he had a mischevious look on his face. "Ok! This will be fun!" I said smiling. "I'll go get the supplies! When I come back i'll tell you the plan." I said running away. "Oh, also i'll be back in 5 mins. if I am late come looking for me!" I said and ran out.

It has been mins, I was almost back to the roof. "I still have time, ah, this is damn heavy. I can do it though!" I said to myself. "Do you need help?" I heard a voice but it wasn't Kirishima's voice. "Huh?" I looked around the supplies and saw TetsuTetsu. "Oh! Sure!" I said smiling. "Here" I gave him half of the supplies. "Thank you!" I said as we were walking up the stairs.

We made it to the roof finally. "Thanks again TetsuTetsu!" I said and hugged him, I noticed he was blushing. "What were you going to use these for anyway?" He asked. "I'm going to prank Iida!" I said jumping up. "Wanna help?" I asked. "Sure." He said smiling.

I turned around and saw Kirishima looking at us, I waved him over. "Come on Kiri! We have another helper!" I said smiling.

For the rest of the lunch break we were setting up a trap for Iida. "Finished!" I said and stepped back. I had to perfectly balance a bucket filled with watery slime on the door, I just had to make sure that Iida fell for the trap. "Perfect!" I said. "Thanks for you help Kiri." I said and smiled. "You too TetsuTetsu!" I said and high-fived him.

I heard a low growl and smirked at Kiri. "I have to go now!" TetsuTetsu said. "Ok!" I said and turned toward Kiri. "You got jealous!" I said laughing and ran away. "No I didn't!" He yelled at me. Right before I was going to leave to get Iida I blew a kiss to him. I watched him as his face got red and he was about to leave out the door that had the bucket. "Wait!" I yelled, but it was too late. He already got dumped in slime. I stood there laughing, after I was done laughing I went to help him. "Ok, let's go clean you up now." I said giggling a little.

Tenya Iida:

I was with my brother Shinso in the library, he was helping me with my homework. Iida saw this and got a little jealous, he didn't know that Shinso was my brother. "Hey Y/N, we should go eat lunch together." He said. "Ok sure." I said almost falling asleep. I leaned up against him and smiled. "Your very squishy" I said and laughed. "Mhm, hurry and finish your work. This is no time for sleeping." He said and pushed me up.

I looked over and saw Iida, I waved him over. "Hey Iida what's up?" I asked. "Nothing." He said bluntly. "Wanna help?" I asked. "No, just here for a book." He said and walked away. 'How cute I know he's jealous.' I thought to myself. "What's his problem?" Shinso asked. "He's jealous that I got your help and not his." I said and smiled. "Oh, want me to leave then? I can feel him burning holes into my head." He said. "Sure, i'll see you later in class." I said and waved good-bye to him.

I looked over toward Iida and waved him over again. "Is he finally gone?" He asked. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." I said. "Sure what is it?" I smiled and tilted my head to the side. "Did you get jealous?" I said and giggled. "N-no." He said with a little bit of pink on his cheeks. "Aww, it's ok." I said and patted his chest since I was too short to reach his head, he just blushed more and left. I laughed to myself and sat back down. Then I realized. "Damn, I have no one to help me now." I said and just decided to sleep.

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