Neito Monoma! {Part 2}

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I woke up the next morning feeling nothing, it was like I went completely numb. It was like I was on auto-pilot for the whole day, I ate, did my job, and slept. The next day I lost my appetite, I did my job, then slept. Then the next day was the same. Then the next day, and the day after that. At that point I was extremly weak from not eating and still didn't have a appetite. I decided to go outside for the first time in days, I was really weak, so much it was hard to walk. I was walking to the park, it looked like I could just drop dead any moment, I got stares and worried thoughts from people. Like they actually cared, if I told them I was a villian they would run and call the police.

I made it to the park and sat down on the bench me and Monoma would sit on our dates. "Are you o-Y/N! Is that you?" I looked over weakly and saw Monoma, he looked worried, I just looked back at the lake and closed my eyes. "Yes, it's me" I said and relaxed. "Are you okay? You look unhealthy...i'm worried for you." He said and sat next to me grabbing my hands. I looked at him, I pulled my hands away. "Sure you are, last time I saw you I told you I was a villian and you didn't even stop to listen to me." I said and got up slowly. "I got to go, I have a job to do as a 'villian'" I said and walked away, he ran up to me and decided to see what my quirk was. "What is this quirk?" He asked. "Look at your phone." I said and stood there kind of leaning against him because my legs were weak. He looked at his phone and was shocked. "What is this weird wording?" He asked and looked at me. "It's all the coding and scripting that went into it." I said and took his phone. "I can easily do this," I unlocked his phone in 5 seconds, I didn't know his password. "You hacked my phone?" He asked and looked at his phone, he deactivated his quirk. "This is my quirk, villians come to me so I can hack into systems for them and when I complete the job they pay me." I explained to him. "Oh, you could easily work for hero's too!" He said and grabbed my hands. "I tried to, they said I was to young to work, and that I needed to go to school." I explained to him. "I did one job for the villians at home and next thing you know i'm a villian apparently to the hero's." I said and looked at the ground.

"I forgive you." I looked up shocked. "I can talk to the school to get you into there and get you a job at the school." He said and I smiled. "Really? Thank you Monoma!" I said, but then everything went black.

I woke up in the hospital and Monoma was right beside me. "Hey you're awake!" Monoma said and got up from his seat. "What happened?" I asked and looked around. "You fainted because you didn't eat anything in a while." He said and sat on my bed next to me. "Why haven't you been eating?" He asked. "I lost my appetite, a day after you left me in the park." I said and looked away, I could tell he was sad. "I'm sorry," He said and hugged me, I hugged back. "No, i'm sorry, I should have told you I was a villian or regected you that day so we wouldn't be here." I said and hugged him tighter, I was tearing up and didn't want him to see.

"Let's just say we are both at fault then?" He said and laughed, I laughed too. "Yeah, let's say that." I smiled looking up at him.

A week later, after I was perfectly healthy again Monoma went to tell the school about me and my quirk. They allowed me to work because I was still young and didn't want me to become a villian at such a young age, but they didn't have any course for me and my type of quirk. So, now I work at U.A and I and now classified as a ex-villian, i'm now working to become a hero!

Yass I did it! Sorry if you still wanted to be a villian in this, but let's be real here a hero in training wouldn't trust a villian.

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{Next Chapter: When he's hurt!}

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