Shoto Todoroki: Date!

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I was sitting on a rock outside waiting for Todoroki, he said he had to get something really quick. I was playing with my quirk making a very tiny village with mud, and using your water to make a small lake. "Cute." I heard someone say and I looked up to see Todoroki. "Hey Todoroki!" I said getting up and hugging him. "Ready for our date?" He asked. "Yep! Also, what did you go get?" I asked him. "Something important, now let's go." He said grabbing my hand.

I watched as a expensive car drove up and we got in. "Who's car is this?" I asked him. "It's mine." He said smirking. "Really? But, you don't know how to drive." I said laughing. "That's why I have a driver for now." He said and I laughed. "Ok, once you learn how to drive you have to take me on a ride ok?" I asked and smiled. "Of course." He said and kissed my cheek, I blushed.

We went to the mall first. "Are we here to shop?" I asked. "Yeah, you can get anything you want." He said and smiled a little. "I can't do that, i'll limit myself to 5 items." I said. "Why? I have the money to pay for it." He said. "I don't like using other people's money." I said and looked at him. "It's alright, let me spoil you" He said and grabbed my hand. "Oh, ok." I said and hugged his arm. "Thank you." I said with a smile. "Your welcome." He said and smiled.

After 2 hours at the mall we left to a reservation Todoroki made at a returaunt. "Where are we going now?" I asked with two bags in my hands. "A garden resturaunt." He said. "You know you could have gotten more stuff." He said and kissed my head. "I'm okay with what I have." I said and hugged him. "As long as your happy." He said. "I am." I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then his right side went up in flames.

I laughed and gave him another kiss, "Cute" I said and smiled. "Let's go to the resturaunt now." He said and started walking toward the car.

We made it to the garden resturaunt and it was very pretty. "Wow! It's so pretty!" I said and ran up to the flowers, I started naming them. "You like it?" Todoroki asked walking up to me, I gave him a hug. "Yes! Whenever we go on a date can we come here?" I asked with sparkled in my eyes. "Of course." He said and took us to the table he had reserved.

We ate and talked. I had such a fun time with him. We left the resturaunt and went go in the car. "Thank you for today Todoroki! I had the best time with you!" I said and kissed him on the jawline. "Your welcome, i'm happy that you had a good day." He said. "I did!" I said and laughed. I cuddled up next to him as we drove to my place.

"Oh yeah, I have something for you." He said I sat up and looked at him with a confused face. "Here." He said and put a butterfly necklace on me. "Oh my, this is really pretty!" I said blushing and smiling. "Thank you again!" I said and cuddled up to him again.

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