Neito Monoma!

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How You Meet:

I'm a villian simple as that, well...that's what the pro's call me, even thought I never hurt anyone, I never disrespect people, I only hack. But apparently that's all they need to label me as a villian and thanks to that I can't even leave my house in the day time due to me not wanting to be caught. But today I need food...which means I have to leave my house in the daylight surrounded by dreadful (just me then XD)

I was wearing clothes that cover me but also don't look to suspicious either. I didn't have to walk to far away either, I loved where I lived.

I made it to the store and started to shop for what I needed, but just my luck I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry" I said and got up from the ground to help him get up. "It's alright I wasn't looking where I was going either." I took a good look at his face and he had such handsome features, nice blue eyes and blonde silky hair. He was staring at me too, "You're very pretty" He said and smirked. "Ah, th-thank you." I said and blushed looking away. "Do you mind if I get your number?" He said and held out his phone, I smiled, I grabbed his phone and typed in my number. "Here you go." I said and blushed. "Thank you, I have to get going now but I hope to see you again, i'll call you later." He said and waved while walking away.

I stood there still blushing, then I remembered I have to go pay for my stuff. 'Ah I gotta get out of here before i'm spotted' I thought to myself.

Becoming Friends:

After what happened at the shop he did call me later that night, I learned a lot about him in one call. His name is Neito Monoma, what a nice name. "You have a nice name." He said to me over the phone. "Thank you, you do too." I said and smiled. "Do you think we can meet up after school at the park? I want to hang out" He asked and I nodded like he can see me. "Sure." I said and blushed. "Ok, I have to go now, see you tomorrow." He said "Ok, good night." I said and smiled, then we hung up.

The next day after school I went to the park and I saw him walking toward me, that's when I saw something that scared me. He was wearing a U.A uniform...I was heartbroken, I know now that getting to know him is going to be a lot harder than I thought. "Oh, you go to U.A?" I said in shock, he nodded. "I am in a hero course, it's very hard." He said and I nodded. "I guess it would be since it is the most popular job in the world." I said and smiled at him.

We started meeting up after school every day at the park and on weekends we would meet up at the park after lunch, I started to fall for him but knew we couldn't be together because of me being a villian and I didn't want to ruin his chances of becoming a hero...

He Gets Jelly:

We met up at the usual spot but it was Saturday so we decided to go somewhere today, he let me choose and I chose the cafe. "Ok, let's go then." He said and smiled at me.

I walked into the cafe with him right behind me. We took a seat and ordered, I was having a really good time with him. "Hey, I'm going to the washroom i'll be right back ok?" He said and got up, I nodded.

After he left a guy walked into the cafe, he looked like he was rich, and like he was a jerk. He noticed me and decided to walk up to me and start talking to me. "Hey there pretty lady, mind if I sit here?" He said and sat down anyways. "I'm Dennis, nice to meet you." He said and held out his hand, I just sat there staring at him. " there something on my face?" He said and laughed nervously at the end, I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Y/N" I said and smiled at him. "Oh, what a pretty name you have there." He said going back to how he was earlier, you could tell I was making him uncomfortable by staring at him.

I looked toward the bathrooms and noticed Monoma walk out. I waved him to come over. "So, Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" He asked and I shook my head, then while I was looking at Monoma he grabbed my hand and kissed it which made me shoot my head back toward his direction. "Be my girlfriend then I promise you will never be bored." He said and smirked. That's when Monoma walked up to him and kicked his seat which made him fall to the ground, I was suprised but didn't show it. "What the hell man!?" He yelled at Monoma. "Don't touch her again." He said in a evil tone. "I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?" He said and looked at me. "I don't." I said and giggled. "Well not yet at least." I said and looked at Monoma and winked, he smirked. "Let's go now Y/N" Monoma said and grabbed my hand leading me out of the store.

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