Kiribaku x Reader - Panic Attack!

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Thank you Dxddy_loser for the request!
Btw this has nothing to do with the actual book :p, it's basically a one shot lol.

I had very bad anxiety since I was a child, I constantly had panic attacks whenever I left my house. I never went to school and I was constantly inside my room, I rarely ever left my house. But today my parents wanted me to go to school for a couple days, it took a lot of talking before I actually went.

I woke up and looked outside my window, it was a very bright day. Today was the day I went to school for the first time in weeks. I was terrified, what if people thought bad about me? What if they think i'm weird? What if they don't like the way I dress? I had many questions flooding my mind. It was making me panic, I went into my closet and put my head on my knees. I was trying to calm myself down.

After a while I got out and noticed I was going to be late, I hurried up and left out the door. I put on music and it helped a little bit, I loved music it calms me when i'm outside of my house.

When I got to the school I finally noticed how big it was, it was pretty amazing. When I walked in it felt like everyone was staring at me, I started to feel paniced and rushed to the nearest quiet room. I sat down and listened to music.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder which scared me, I jumped and moved away quickly. My hair fell infront on my face covering my eye. I looked at the person who tapped my shoulder and it was a boy with sharp shark like teeth and big red spikey hair.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, I was shy and wasn't good at talking to people. I just shook my head. "Then whats the matter? I can help if you want." He said in a calm voice. "U-uhm, I, uh, I- am new...I guess..." I said stuttering, he was looking straight at me which made him look a little intimidating. Then he spoke in a soft voice, "I'm guessing your shy? It's alright, if you're new then you probably don't yave any friends yet huh?" He said smiling, I nodded. "Alright then I guess i'll be your first friend!" He said reaching out his hand for me to shake it, I took his hand and shook it. "Oh, and my name is Eijirou Kirishima, but you can call me whatever you want okay?" He said and lifted me off of the ground, I nodded. "I'm (Y/N)..)"

We were getting to know eachother a bit every break, and soon it was the next day. I came to school and started looking for Kirishima, I noticed him with a group of friends. I didn't want to bother him so I walked away.

I ended up in the room me and Kirishima met, I sat down and listened to music. I then felt vibrations on the ground, I took out one earbud and turned around. There was a boy with a angry look on his face and had spikey hair too. Kirishima was with him.

"I knew I would find you in here!" Kirishima said and ran up to me standing me up and dragged me to his friend. "This is (Y/N)! My new friend I was talking about!" Kirishima said smiling "And (Y/N), this is Bakugo!" He introduced us to eachother, the guy named Bakugo looked very intimidating which made me kinda go back into my shell. Kirishima noticed this, he whispered something into Bakugos ear, which made Bakugo tense up and look annoyed. "Hi" Bakugo greeted and looked over to Kirishima, he just nodded. "Nice to meet you," He said and held out his hand for me to shake, I slowly took his hand and shook it. "H-hello," I said extremely nervous, after greeting eachother we went for lunch.

We were on the roof eating, then I accidentally spilled a drink on myself, so I had to go clean up. When I got to the bathroom there were girls in there, which made me a little shy and panic a bit. I had low self-esteem too which made it even harder to be around people, and having this spill on my shirt didn't help.

I went straight to the sinks and wet some tissue wiping down the spill on my shirt, I could tell that these girls eyes were on me. Then I heard them whispering and laughing, I didn't know what they were saying or planning. I quickly tried to leave but when I turned around they were standing there blocking my way out, I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack. "E-excuse, me...p-please..." I asked and tried getting through but I wasn't able to pass. "You're the girl who is always hanging around Kirishima and class 1-A, huh?" She said and I looked down. "I- uh, I g-guess?" I answered and backed away. "Well we are going to have to teach you a lesson about being around my Kiri!" She said and that's when I spotted an opening and took the chance to get out of there.

I ran for a bit, even though I spend most of my time inside I was fast and quiet. Those girls weren't very athletic and I lost them easily.

I seem to always walk into this room where me and Kirishima met, I sat down and curled up in a corner listening to music. Because of what happened I ended up having a panic attack, the boys didn't even know where I ran.

I sat there for a short while, I then felt vibrations of someone walking towards me, I started to panic even more and hoped they would just go away. Then I felt two hands on my shoulders, I looked up to see Kirishima smiling and Bakugo with his usual expression except it was softer.

"It will be okay! We are here to comfort you and help!" Kirishima said with such happiness, Bakugo just nodded. "Yeah, whatever he just said" Bakugo said and sat down next to me, then Kirishima sat down at my other side. They sat there for as long as I needed, they were great.

First chapter done...I know this is late i've just been so busy sorry, i've also been having writers block...anyone know how to get over it? ;^;

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