Valentines day!

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Izuku Midoryia:
I just got back from a hard day of helping my dad with a job, I was so tired and wanted to see Izuku today. Today was Valentines day and he didn't even call once, I didn't even see him at school today!

I plopped into bed face first and didn't want to deal with anyone for the rest of the day.

Then I heard a knock on my door, I sighed, I didn't want to leave my comfy bed. I got up and went to my door. When I opened it up I saw Izuku standing there with a small bag and a flower. My mood instantly went up.

I was so happy that he showed up, and he looked adorable with what he was holding.

"Izuku! I missed you!" I said and hugged him. He laughed and hugged me back. "I did too!" He said slightly blushing.

"Happy Valentines day!" I said and gave him a big kiss, which then made him pass out.

Katsuki Bakugo:
Bakugo and I were hanging out all day, and he didn't even say anything or do anything to celebrate Valentines day! I mean I may be really shy but I still love Valentines day!

Now here we are walking to the front doors to leave for the day. I sighed which made Bakugo look at me. "What's wrong bookworm" He asked, I shook my head. "Nothing" I answered and coninued walking.

When we were about to part ways because we lived in different areas when he grabbed my arm and we started walking toward his house. "Hey Bakugo, where are we going?" I asked "To my place" He said and smirked at me, which made me blush. (Because he is hot XD) 

We made it to his place and went inside. When we did I saw a bunch of stuff in the living room, I looked at him and he smiled picking me up over his shoulder. "AHH put me down Bakugo!" I said and laughed. He placed me on the couch and he took a seat next to me. "My parents won't be here today, so I decided to use this as a advantage and set up a date for us" He said. I smiled and blushed. "I was sad since you didn't do anything for today." I said and cuddled up to him. "I wouldn't forget" He said and turned on the tv and I saw it was a horror movie. "A horror movie?!"  I said and got closer to him. "Well if i'm going to be nice for a day then we get to watch what I want" He said with a smirk. "O-okay." I said and cuddled him. 

Little did I know that he perfectly planned this out just so he can get cuddles from me.

Shoto Todoroki:

I was with Todoroki on a flight to France for Valentines day, we left a day early so we can be there when it was Valentines day. He also got a private jet for us, I didn't bother to ask where he got the money from. (Obviously Endeavor) 

I sat on his lap which made him stiffen up and I laughed at his reaction. "Thank you for taking me to France for Valentines day!" I said and gave him a kiss on the nose. "Of course anything for you" He said and gave me a kiss back but on the lips. Which made me blush and laugh.

When we got to France we went around to look at the landmarks and try out some new food, we were having so much fun!

We went back to Japan a day later.

Eijirou Kirishima:

Kiri and I were at my place playing games and just having fun, we didn't really enjoy all that lovey-dovey stuff. I was currently winning the game, and Kiri was trying to mess me up and I dodged all his attacks. I won in the end. 

"Yes!" I cheered, I looked at Kiri and he was smiling at me. "Why are you smiling? You just lost." I said and laughed. "Because watching you be really happy make me happy!" He said and picked me up and spun me around I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made his face go a little pink.

Okay, so maybe we like the lovey-dovey stuff just a little.

Tenya Iida:

I was sleeping in his lap while he watched a movie, I ended up becoming really sleepy because he was warm. He didn't mind. 

That's how we spent our Valentines, we ate, slept, and watched movies. I would say it went pretty well

Shinso Hitoshi:

After school I went to the park where me and Shinso usually meet up, but he wasn't there today. Maybe he was running late? I waited for him there for about 10 mins. I checked my phone and I had no text messages. Nothing.

After staying there for another 10 mins and he didn't show up I just went home. "Why didn't he come? He missed our meeting, on Valentines day...

I went home, I was going to unlock it but it was already unlocked. I put my guard up for what ever was going to happen, when I walked in I turned on the lights to see a small note on the ground. I picked it up and I read 'Come to the kitchen' I could instantly tell it was Shinso by his handwriting. I shut the door and walked to the kitchen. 

When I walked in the lights turned on and Shinso was sitting there smirking at me. "What are you smirking about?" I asked and laughed, walking up to him to give him a hug. "Nothing." He said and hugged me back. "I thought you forgot about me." I said looking at him. "I would never forget you" He said and gave me a kiss on the head.

Neito Monoma:

Today was a rough day, I was chased down by heros which made them patrol the area more often and I wasn't even able to see Monoma today. Today is Valentines day! 

I sat in bed looking at the moon, I missed Monoma. I didn't own a device since it's a way the heros can find me, so I ended up using a cafe computer. I hacked into it and found my way to Monomas phone. I sent him a text saying to meet up at the park, I also said that it was me so he doesn't become suspicious. 

I was able to meet him at the park at about 10, he was looking around and I waved to him from a tree so heros don't see me. He climbed up the tree after seeing me there. I smiled and hugged him. "It is sometimes scary how you can just hack into anything." He said and I laughed. "I know it scares me too" I said and gave him a kiss on the lips. Which he gave back in return. "Happy Valentines day," I said and gave him a plain silver ring. "You didn't steal this did you?" He asked with a smirk. "Haha, no, I don't steal, I hack." I said and cuddled him. "Here." He said I looked at him and he was holding something. "Happy Valentines day" He said and gave me a expensive looking necklace. "Aww, thank you!" I said and we stayed there for about a hour.

Yesh I know that it's past Valentines day, but I was busy on Valentines day eating, and sleeping, and being lonely.... 

Anyways- [Next chapter: Tokoyami Fumikage!]

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