Izuku Midoryia: Date!

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I was very excited to the date today! I was sitting in the break room, I was waiting for Midoryia to get off of school. "Hey, don't get distracted Y/N" I looked behing me and it was my dad. "Oh, hey dad." I said smiling. "Do you have anything sweet?" I asked. "Yeah, but first I want to know what is making you space out so much today." He said.  "I have a date" I said and he looked shocked. "What?" He said "Yeah, a date with Midoryia! I can't wait, i'm very happy and excited!" I said smiling. "I answered your question so give me the sweet now!" I said. "Ugh, fine." He said handing me some gummy bears.

I left the break room and walked down the hall toward class 1-A. It was almost time for school to be over, so I went to go wait outside his classroom door. The bell rang and I ran straight into the room. I went to Midoryia. "Hey ready for the date?" I asked him. He smiled, and nodded his head. "Woah! Midoryia is dating a pro-hero!" I heard someone say, I grabbed his hand and walked out. "Dad, i'll be back at 7!" I yelled to Aizawa, everyone was shocked. "Yeah, whatever." He said and left the class.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Midoryia. "Well, I know you don't like sitting still for a long time, so i'm taking you to a amusement park!" He said with a smile. "Oh cool! Let's go then!" I said grabbing his arm and running. "Calm down!" He said laughing, I blushed. "Sorry I got excited!" I said and laughed.

We went to the amusement park and enjoyed the rides there. Midoryia almost got sick a couple of times we were there, I didn't though. "Wanna take a break? I don't want you to get sick."  I said smiling. "Ok, sorry." He said. "Don't be sorry! Plus, I need something to drink and eat." I said pulling him away.

We went to a booth and ordered some burgers and slush. "Oh! This looks so good!" I said with a sparkle in my eyes. "Yeah it does, let's eat!" Midoryia said smiling. "Alright!" I said and we ate in peace.

After eating we went to play some games, Midoryia won a giant dragon plush. "Oh wow! Your amazing!" I said while the guy was handing the plush to Midorya. "Thank you" He said and looked at me. "Here." Midoryia said while handing me the plush. "No! It's yours!" I said. "No it's alright, I won't have room for it anyways." He said smiling. "Ok then, thank you Izuku!" I said smiling and laughing a little. He blushed and smiled. "No problem." He said and hugged me, I hugged back.

"Oh, look the fireworks are going to start soon!" I heard someone yell. "Wanna go Izuku? To the fireworks?" I asked. "Ok, sure." He said, I grabbed his hand and walked with him there. "Let's sit down on the grass." He said, he took off his jacket for us to sit on. "Oh, thank you kind sir." I said and bowed to him, he laughed. "Your welcome ma'am." He said and bowed back, we both laughed and sat down.

The fireworks started and they were beautiful. There was all types of colors, I looked over to Izuku and he looked cute watching the fireworks. I decided to do something bold, I kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me with a shocked expression and blushing. "Thank you for tonight Izuku!" I said smiling. "Ah, y-your w-welcome, I h-had fun t-too." He said smiling, then he kissed me on the cheek too.

I leaned on his side and smiled. It was a fun date.

Sorry if this is bad, I honestly can't tell right now. I stayed up all night reading manga and now it's 7 in the morning. I still have so much chapters to do, but it's alright it'll help my sleeping scheludle get back on track lol.

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