Who Has A Crush On You!

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Izuku Midoryia:

I was walking with Kaminari because he needed help training, and he wanted me to use my quirk on him. "You realize if I use my quirk on you then you will just fry your brain, right?" I said looking at him. "Oh, yeah, but that's why I need your help! I can train my body to withstand my own quirk!" He said. "Ugh, fine. But, your going to regret it man." I said.

We made it to the training grounds and I got ready, I waited till he was ready too. "Ok I finished setting up the dummy!" Kaminari said and smiled at me. "Ok, i'm going to activate my quirk on you now." I said and focused it directly to him. Then he activated his quirk and...his brain got fried.

I was now standing there with a dumb look on my face. "I knew this was going to happen Kaminari!" I yelled at him, all he did was stick his thumbs up and started walking around weirdly. "What happened?" I turned around to see Midoryia, I hugged him. "He wanted me to help him enhance his quirk but as you see, he kinda went dumb." I said and laughed, Midoryia laughed too. "Well, let's get him to the school now." Midoryia said and grabbed Kaminari.

Shoto Todoroki:

"Hey Y/N, can you meet me at the training grounds after school?" I read on a note that was in my locker. "Hmm, wonder who it is?" I said to myself. 'It can't be Todoroki, he would just tell me in person. A crush? Probably.' I thought to myself. "I guess i'll go." I said to myself.

It was now after school, "Hey Todoroki i'll be right back okay?" I said and smiled. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm going to the back of the school, someone wanted to meet there." I said and walked away. "I'll wait then." He said.

I went to the back of the school to see Minenta. "Oh, hey mini grape." I said and laughed. "Hey! Anyways. I wanted to ask you something." He said, then he tried to put on a sexy face. "Will you go out with me?" He asked, I shook my head. "Sorry, I can't Minenta, you should know that i'm already dating Todoroki." I said and kneeled down to his level. "Aww, ok. I'm going to ask someone else." He said with a creepy smile and left, I sweat dropped. "Oh, no." I said to myself.

Katsuki Bakugo:

I was with Bakugo in the library because he WAS supposed to be helping me, but he was just sleeping. I was trying to put a book back on it's shelf but it was to high for me, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Do you need help?" I looked behing me to see Shinso. "Oh, uhm, yes please." I said in a small voice. He smiled and took the book from me and put it in it's place. "Thank you." I said blushing. "No problem, you seemed like you were having trouble there." He said and held out his hand. "I'm Shinso Hitoshi." He said and smiled. "Oh, i'm Y/N L/N" I said and took his hand. "Uh, I got to finish cleaning up now, so, bye." I said quickly. "Can I help you?" He asked me. "Uhm, sure." I answered, then I noticed I couldn't move my body. "Oh, sorry about that." He said and I was able to move my body again. "It was my quirk, sorry again." He said. "It's ok." I said and turned around.

Soon we were both done cleaning, and I thanked him. "Oi! What are you doing with my girlfriend?" I blushed and turned around to see Bakugo. "He was helping me." I said and walked up to him and stopped him before he could reach Shinso, he looked down at me. "I was supposed to help you." He said. "Yeah you were but you fell asleep." I looked at Shinso, then Bakugo tensed up. "Thank you for your help Shinso goodbye." I quickly said and pulled Bakugo out of the library. "You could've woken me up Y/N, I said I was going to help you but I ended up falling asleep." He said and grabbed my hand, I blushed. "I-I tried b-but you were s-sleeping so s-soundly I didn't want t-to wake y-you." I said blushing and stuttering because he pulled me in for a small hug and brought his face close to mine. "Next time wake me up." He said and gave me a kiss, then I passed out.

Eijirou Kirishima:

(This one is more like someone hitting on you but whatever lol)

Me and Kirishima were at the mall hanging out, but he went to use the washroom. "Oh, hey there cutie." I looked up to see some random person. "Hi." I said and looked away. "Aww come on I was just kidding, can I sit here?" I looked at him from the side. "Sure, I guess." I said and slid to the other side of the bench, but he still sat right beside me. "So where are you from?" He asked, then I decided to use my internet troll power in real life! "My house." I said and laughed a little. "Oh? Haha, your funny. Where is your house?" He asked, I smirked. "Beside my neighbor's house." I said. "Where's your neighbor's house?" He said and I noticed in his tone he was getting annoyed already. "You won't belive me if I said it." I said. "Oh yeah?" He said with a eyebrow twitch. "It's by my street." I said and laughed. "Then where's your street?" He said getting angry. "Downtown." I said and smiled. "Where downtown?" He said and raised his voice a little. "East part of the city!" I said and started laughing at his reaction. "Y/N, you really are evil!" I looked over to see Kirishima. "I was just having a little bit of fun!" I said and got up, I went over to kiss his cheek. "Wait, I sat through your whole thing just to find out you have a boyfriend?!" He said yelling, I noticed people looking. "Yep! Maybe you should actually look for people who want to talk to you then!" I said and walked away with Kirishima, I could hear a bunch of people saying 'ooo', 'burn', or 'savage'. I laughed and hugged Kirishima, and he laughed.

Tenya Iida:

(You don't have anyone who had a crush on you because of Shinso, and your lazy attitude.)             :(                        (Just me then XD except for the shinso part lol)

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