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Izuku Midoryia:

You were walking down the street when you found a box that was taped shut, you looked at it because something felt off about this box. 'I wonder what's in there' I asked myself in my head, then the box started to move. "What the?" I grabbed the box and opened it, there was a small puppy that looked weak. "Oh my, who would leave you out here like this? What horrible people now and days." I said to the puppy, I put it in my jacket to keep the small pup warm until we got to the vet.

"What happened here? The puppy looks very weak." The nurse said, I handed her the puppy. "I found it in a box that was taped shut." I said and she looked shocked. "Ok, what do you want to do with it?" The nurse asked me while a doctor took the puppy to the back. "Hmm, i'll keep it." I said and smiled at her, she smiled back and nodded. "We have to check for a chip first, come back in 3 days and if the puppy is healthy enough then we can send it home with you." She said, I nodded. "Okay, thank you" I said and left.

I told Izuku that I had found a puppy and was going to keep it, he was happy but now I have to tell my dad.... "Hey daaaaaaad, I need to ask you something please." I said in a sweet voice, he gave me a suspicious look. "Ok, what do you want? You only ever use that tone what you want something." He said and glaed at me. "I may or may not have adopted a puppy I found in a taped up box on the street and going to pick it up later today at the vet." I said in one breath. "Ugh, fine take good care of it though." He said and went back to sleeping. "Yay thanks dad!" I said and hugged him, I got ready and went to the vet.

I walked in and saw the small pup wagging it's tail at me. "Aww, how cute! You're going to be my puppy now!" I said and picked up the puppy. "She is ready to go! All I need you to do is sign this paper." The nurse said and I signed it. "Okay, you're free to go now take good care of your puppy!" She said and smiled. "I will!" I said and left.

Shoto Todoroki:

Both you and Todoroki were training and you heard chirping and looked over and was accidentally hit by Todoroki's attack. "Y/N!" Todoroki shouted and ran up to me. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" He said and picked me up from the ground, I gave him a thumbs up. "I'm ok! I got destracted that's all." I said and too his hand. "What distracted you?" He asked and looked around. "I heard chirping." I said and smiled, then I heard it again the chirping. "Hmm, we looked around and there was a baby bird on the ground. "Oh, no..." I said and picked it up gently. "I think it hurt it itself." I said and looked at Todoroki "We should take it to your house after school." He said and I nodded.

After school you two walked to your house and started taking care of the baby bird, after a couple of days it started getting used to you two. You decided to keep it because you went back to check the nest and there was nothing in it, there would have been at least another baby bird in there. So now you have a pet bird.

Katsuki Bakugo:

"Hey, Bakugo" I looked at him. "What." He said "Can we go there?" I asked pointing at a pet shop. "Why? Are you going to get a pet?" He asked. "No, I just want to look at the animals..." I said and looked down. "Ok then let's go." He said and I brightened up "Yay~" I said and we went in.

We were looking at the fish when I noticed someone holding a snake, I wanted one. "Bakugo let's go see the snakes!" I said and grabbed his hand, I started to drag him to where the snakes are. "Ohhh, look at this's a pastel ball python!" I said and it looked so cute! (I personally LOVE reptiles!) He looked at my confused, he was okay with snakes but he was confused how someone like me would like snakes. "You like snakes?" He asked. "Yeah! I do, their skin is so pretty and unique. There are so many different species too!" I said brightly.

"Excuse me miss" I turned around to see a worker there. "Oh sorry" I said quietly and moved to the side, she grabbed the snake and put up a sign that said it was gone. "Uhm, did someone buy that snake already?" I asked, she looked sad. "No, we are going to put it down. No one has tried to adopt it yet and it's already almost been a year, I was able to get it some more time for 3 months but that 3 months is up now." She said. "I'll take it then!" I said, Bakugo face palmed. He knew I wouldn't just be able to just 'see the animals'.

After a while, we bought some stuff for my new snake and left. "I just got a parents don't even know." I said, Bakugo smiled. "I think you did a good thing, saving that snake." He said and gave me a kiss on the head. "Thank you Bakugo, now let's name it!"

Eijirou Kirishima:

I was walking with Kirishima when I saw a poster that was selling exotic pets. "Hey Kiri, look at this." I said and tapped his shoulder. "Hmm?" He looked at the poster. "Exotic pet shop? Should we go check it out?" He asked. "Yeah! Maybe i'll find something I like!" I said and smiled. "Ok then let's go." He said and grabbed my hand.

We made it to the shop and we saw many different types of animals there! "Wow look! There are so many different animals!" I said and smiled. "I know! Let's go look around!" He said and we were both very excited about this.

We were about to leave when we heard a argument. "Look! I don't want this animal! I already paid for it but it's so boring!" I looked over and saw a person holding a hedgehog the wrong way, this made me angry and I started walking toward him. "Hey Y/N, where are you going?!" Kirishima yelled from behid me. "Sorry sir we don't do refunds." She said scared, this guy got extremly angry and decided to just try throw the animal. I quickly grabbed the hedgehog out of his hand. "Don't you dare even think of throwing this adorable creature." I said with a evil aura around me. "That's mine!" He yelled in my face and tried to grab it away from me, but our training at school made me a lot faster than him. "You were just about to throw this animal, and you said you didn't want it anyway so i'll just take it." I said and smiled. "No! I paid for it!" He said with a angry red face. "Then you should've done your research!" I said and kicked him away from me. "Leave now! We don't have room for animal abusers like you! Unless you want to be shown up by a teenage girl?" I said and got closer to him." He looked around and noticed there was many people looking at him and me. "Ugh, fine take the ugly rat." He said and started walking away. "It's a hedgehog!" I yelled and laughed.

I turned toward Kirishima and he was just smiling at me. "You were awesome!" He said and hugged me. "Thanks! Now I have a hedgehog!" I said and looked at the little thing in my hands. "Cute." I said and smiled.

Tenya Iida:

"I want a pet..." I said looking at animals on the internet. "You can't have one." Iida said looking at me, I looked at him "Why not?" I asked "Because you don't really have the energy too." He said and patted my head. "Oh, you're right I don't" I said and smiled. "But I still want one." I said and laughed.

After a while of looking on the internet about animals I found a pretty type of fish that was easy to take care of. "Hey Iida, I want a fish." I said and smiled. "It could work, a fish needs care but not 24/7" He said, I smiled. "Ok! I'll get a fish then!" I said and stood up "Right now?" He asked confused. "Yeah! I really want a pet." I said and smiled. "Ok..." He said

We went to the pet store and got a couple fishes I liked and bought the supplies we needed to take care of the fish. "So cute!" I said and smiled looking at my new fish. "I'm glad you're happy now." He said and gave me a kiss on the head. "Hehe, I really am!" I said and we went back to my place to set up everything for my new fish.

Shinso Hitoshi:

Shinso already has 3 cats.... (No suprise there XD)

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Sorry it took so long for a update! I've been very busy....;-;

Also i'm working on a new book cover i'm making myself!

{Next Chapter: PDA!}

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