When You're Hurt!

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Izuku Midoryia:

I was called to the city for work and one of the villians noticed me while I was hiding to enhance the pro's quirks, I hide because I would just be in the way of the pro's work.

I'm not good at hand-to-hand combat but I was able to fend him off till one of the pro's stepped in to help me, unfortunately I was still hurt, not as bad as I thought I would be thought which is good. After the fight I was sent to the hospital right away, my dad came to check up on me first because, you know, he's my dad and cares about me. "Thanks for coming over dad." I said and smiled at him. "Of course, what type of father would I be if I didn't." He said and smiled back. "I have to go back to work now but i'll tell Midoryia that you are here." He said and waved, leaving the room. "Oh, right, I forgot about Izuku...he is going to be so worried.

I waited a while for Midoryia to show up since my dad left a few hours ago. 'School should be over by now.' I thought to myself, like on queue he burst into the room in tears. "Y/N! Are you okay?!" He said shutting the door and running up to me giving me a hug. "Yes, i'm fine Midoryia, thanks for coming." I said and hugged him back. "Of course I was so worried!" He said and gave me a kiss. "I thought as much." I said and laughed. "Now, who did this to you." He said in a evil tone. 'What happened to my Izuku?...'

Shoto Todoroki:

While waiting for Todoroki at the training grounds I heard a rattle next to me...it was a rattlesnake...guess what...it bite me, and that's how I ended up in this mess. In the hospital waiting for Todoroki to come back, doctor's constantly checking on me, and everyone panicing.

I watched as doctors and nurses ran around looking for medicine they ran out of. "Hey, calm down, I'm the one who got bit by the rattlesnake and you don't see me shitting my pants!" I said highly annoyed. "Also, I know a lot about snakes and the snake I got bit by is just a imitation snake to look tougher to predators, it's venom is pretty weak." I said and smiled. "What if you were wrong and it is a actual rattlesnake." The doctor said. "I know my snakes, if that was a real rattlesnake then the venom would've been doing it's job right now." I said and crossed my arms, then Todoroki walked in. "I found out that was just a imitation snake you should be fine with just a little bit of anti-venom." He said and sat next to my bed, the doctor looked shocked. "See I told ya." I said and laughed. "I guess you were right i'll go get the anit-venom now." He said and left the room.

I looked at Todoroki, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "What was that for?" He smiled and turned toward me. "For staying so calm during that." I said and smiled. "I wasn't really calm I was actually worried." He said and gave me a kiss. "Aww, well thank you anyways." I said and hugged him. "Of course." He replied and hugged me back.

Katsuki Bakugo:

I was currently at the nurses room because I tripped on the cement and broke my nose, Bakugo didn't take the news to well...

"What happened? Did someone do this to you?" Bakugo yelled bursting into the room. "H-huh? No...I tripped on the cement..." I said and looked away embarrassed, he walked up to me and hugged me. "Are you okay?" he said and kissed my forehead which made me blush. "Yeah I am." I said and cuddled him. "Okay, as long as no one hurt you, and if anyone does tell me ok? I'll get rid of them.." He said, I sweat dropped. "Yep, i'll make sure I do." I said and continued hugging him.

Eijirou Kirishima:

I gave myself a paper cut...wanna know what he did? He grabbed a wet cloth, a bandage, and medicine, like really fast. "Are you okay?" He said and I laughed at him. "Yes i'm fine it was just a paper cut, your so cute!" I said and pinched his cheeks. "I'm glad I have such a caring boyfriend." I said and kissed him.

Tenya Iida:

You never get hurt, why? Because you are constantly sleeping and Iida makes sure you don't get hurt. You are also very aware of your surroundings and make sure there is nothing there that can hurt you!

Shinso Hitoshi:

You stubbed your toe...he sat there and laughed...like a lot...after all the pain you laughed toget her!

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Sorry this took so long! I had a whole LONG chapter made but my laptop decided to restart and update and I didn't save so I lost like a good 3000 words ;-; I also got lazy at the end because it's 2 in the morning and I wanted to finish this quickly so I don't lose motivation with this book cause that's how I am ;-; I also just really want to finish this book cause I still have so much different book ideas I want to start working on!

{Next Chapter: Neito Monoma!}

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