Chapter 1

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Harry had always hated back to school. He loved the fresh air of the beach, the salty waves and the hot summer nights. Going back to school meant leaving all of that behind and focusing back on studying which he couldn't hate more. He dressed up with his usual leather jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt. He sprinkled some cologne on himself and put on his black boots. On his way down to the kitchen, he kissed his sister on the forehead and met his mother downstairs.

« Hey love. she greeted. How did you sleep ?
- Good, mum. Going to miss those long nights full of sleep, he sighed longly.
- But you get to see all of your friends ! she tried to cheer him up.
- Who I saw this summer.
- Well, you don't have any choice, do you ? So might as well wear your nice smile, love.
- Right. Well, I have to head off.
- Eat something first. Here, have some fruits, she handed him a plate. »

Harry grabbed a kiwi which he quickly ate before throwing his backpack on, his camera shoved inside, and kissing his mother goodbye. His school was not that far away from his house so he walked outside the shining sun of the beginning of September. Soon enough, the leaves would be turning brown, the air would be cooler and the sun would fade. He enjoyed every steps he made until the big iron gate, admiring the sunny weather. He leaned on the wall made of red bricks, watching the new students wander around, figuring their way out, and the older ones drag feet towards the doors. People were arriving by groups. As Harry's cigarette was coming to an end, the football team arrived and he was there. Louis Tomlinson. Harry had hated him ever since they had math class together back in 11th grade. The guy was arrogant, selfish and too self-confident in Harry's taste. It was just physical. He could not stand his face and that was reciprocated. They hated each other and they were fine with it. Eventually, they only had one year left to put up with each other and then, they would be gone.

The only reason Harry was actually focusing on school was to get a scholarship in photography to an art school in London. His mother kept on complaining about his choice, complaining about how far from their American hometown it was and how she would not be able to come and visit as much as she wanted ; but he had made up his mind. This was the school he had wanted to attend for years now and he'll go there, if he was accepted. As the football team passed by him, he could feel Louis' death stare on his back, scripting his every moves, but did not take any notice of it. Instead, he rolled his eyes and greeted his friend, Nick, who was on the team as well.

« Harry ! Hey ! How've you been ? cheered a tanned cheeky Nick.
- Great, great ! What about you ?
- I'm fine. Feeling quite depressed from coming back here, he sighed with a sweet smile on his face.
- Tell me about it, Harry joked before following his friend down to the building. I can't believe summer's already over.
- Me neither. But, hey, there's only one year left ! he cheered lightly.
- Yeah. That's what I'm looking forward to.
- Aren't you sad to leave high school behind ?
- A bit but, you know, not that much. »

Harry smiled faintly to his friend and waved at him as he arrived next to his locker. He opened it in a slam and shoved his bag inside. He definitely had not missed the noisy halls and the sound of people opening and slamming their lockers. He grabbed his books and walked to his first class, dragging feet. When he opened the door, the room was already quite full and chatty. He sat at a free seat in the back, next to the window, without really taking notice of whoever there.

« Hey lads, he heard an awfully sharp voice greet. »

He lifted his head up, only to find Louis Tomlinson, his backpack hanging on his right shoulder, sitting just a few rows down, next to what Harry recognized for being the quarterbacks. He rolled his eyes, once again, and looked away annoyingly. Louis' friends laughed at something he said that he could not hear. They would always idolize him which Harry never understood why. The guy did not have anything special. He was tiny but was acting rough, he had a strange and very pronounced northern British accent, was probably not that funny and his voice had that queer sharp intonation that would make Harry's ears hurt. He would always talk back to teachers which would only make the class laugh and he never said a sentence Harry heard without swearing. Apart from that, Harry did not know what he had nor why everyone would be at this feet.

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