Chapter 19

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Two weeks later

    Harry's one way flight to London was arriving quicker than both of the boys hoped. They were now laying in Louis' bed, Jay having her night shift and Simon being out of town for a seminar. Louis' little sisters were here though and seemed to have already adopted Harry as their new big brother. Daisy and Phoebe could not get enough of his curls and kept on braiding them while Harry was reading them a story under Louis' melting eyes. Lottie, who was the oldest one, sat on the couch next to Louis, away from the others. She rested her head on his shoulder while he wrapped her in his arms.

    « Louis ? she asked in her sharp soft voice.
- Lottie ?
- Why are you looking at him with those eyes ?
- What eyes ? he laughed at the absurdity of the question he had not understood.
- The heart ones. »

    Louis turned to her worryingly. How could she, from her twelve years old, could have noticed before he even knew ? He shrugged and held her tighter, never leaving his eyes off Harry's smile. They had built something so high, an unusual type of love you could only experience one, but fate had decided otherwise. In just few days, Harry would be physically out of Louis' life and it won't take long for their paths to drift apart.

As they put Daisy, Phoebe and Fizzy to bed, Louis and Harry let Lottie watch the television a bit more while they were cleaning up the kitchen. Louis was lazily sitting on the counter while Harry was rubbing the dirty plates with a sponge. He raised his head only to see Louis, fidgeting on his bracelet.

    « When you said that we had to clean the kitchen, you meant that I will clean and you'll watch ?
- Exactly. View is proper nice, Louis smiled.
- That's not how things work.
- Isn't it ? Louis teased. »

    Harry just shook his head fondly and turned around, a wet foamy sponge in his hands. He came closer to Louis and sprinkled water and soap on him cheekily.

    « You did not just ..., started Louis.
- I did. Isn't that how things work ?
- You're so dead. Run.
- Oh my god, I'm so scared of that so tiny creature, mocked Harry, sticking his tongue out. »

    Louis' jaw clenched. He wet his hands and took a bottle of soap before pouring some in his now wet hands. He rubbed them together and ran after Harry across the kitchen. Harry, still armed with his dirty sponge, kept on sending drops of water to Louis. He threw so much water that it seemed as if Louis just had gotten out of the shower without rinsing his hair. They were still running across the kitchen like two five years old, pouring water and soap everywhere, when the front door opened. Alarmed by the giggling and the noisy clinkering, Jay went straight to the kitchen only to find his son and a curly headed one, falling on the wet floor one on the other, wide grins on their faces. She had rarely seen her son this happy. He would always wear that angry face of his and she had never seen him without his eyebrows furrowed. Here, in front of her, was a whole other eighteen years old. His face was enlightened, his eyes sparkling and he had an unbelievable fond smile he could not hide anymore. She coughed slightly. Harry and Louis both turned around, Harry laying on the wet floor with a messy soaked Louis on top of him. In a jump, Louis was back on his legs though he almost slipped. Harry awkwardly got up, scratching the back of his head in shame.

    « Good evening, Mrs. Tomlinson, I was just about to leave.
- I see that, she smiled warmly at Harry, amused by his shyness. You can call me Jay, dear.
- We were just cleaning the kitchen, added Louis.
- You've done a great job so far, she laughed, looking desperately at the messy kitchen they had soaped.
- I really am sorry, Harry apologized.
- Oh, don't be dear, she walked up to him and hugged him quickly before placing a kiss on her son's cheek. Let me take care of this, now. Does anyone want a cup of tea ? she asked. »

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