Chapter 24

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Every steps towards the door was another painful drain. Louis could hear his heart pounding in his chest just as if it was ready to burst out. He could feel every part of his body tremble like a leaf and break every step nearer to the door. He had thought about this moment hundreds of times. He had dreamed about seeing Harry, just once, crossing paths with him on the street, meeting in their hometown. But this was different. He did not know that, coming to Niall's, he would have to face the one he had loved so dearly during so many months. He did not even know he was coming to town. For two years he had waited for him. Every time he came back in time. He could see him passing in every corner, feel him everywhere they used to be.

As Niall had his hand pressed on the front door, the painful warmth in the pit of his stomach spread across his entire body and Louis' knees came numb. The only question would be why. Why was he still so nervous when Harry would walk in the room ? Why was he losing all of his senses when it had been years and, most of all, why had Harry agreed on coming by ? With this still in mind, a tall rugged and strong figure appeared in the hallway, just behind Niall. The first thing Louis saw was his hands, full of rings, on the back of Niall's back, his face hidden in his friend's chest. Then, he noticed the hair and how shorter it had gotten. He also looked much fitter and everything felt like seeing him for the first time all over again. His face was thinner and his chiseled jaw thicker ; his features had become much more mature. In short, he had become a whole other man but, at the same time, the same intimidation melted with genuine sweetness emanating from his strict lines. Once he hugged Niall, he faced Louis and everything stopped for a minute. Their surroundings disappeared just like that day at the airport. There were only blue and green, meeting again after so much time. Louis did not remember how the ground disappeared below them but, a second they were apart, the next he was nuzzled in his embrace, holding on tightly to the hem of his clothes. And, all of a sudden, all of that burning anger in him was forgotten. He could feel his soul melt down and drop all the way to Louis' feet. They did not know how much time had passed when they pulled away but, for a while, they stayed silent, just looking at each other, realizing how much they had both changed. Louis was the first to talk. He parted his lips and said, with a node in his throat :

« It's weird seeing you here, he pointed out.
- I know. Feels kind of strange being here too, not gonna lie, Harry answered the best he could.
- Your accent changed.
- I know, it's more ...
- British, Louis finished.
- British it is. »

In every words Harry spoke, Louis felt like he was being dragged back in past, to that parking lot in front of the airport. They never got to end things properly. They never had full closure. Maybe that was what was missing, why they could not move on. They had not talked after that day and the last words Louis heard Harry say were « I'm sorry too ». He could feel his heart break at every sound going out of his mouth. Louis wanted to apologize but Harry seemed to have read his mind so he turned to him, his face almost plaintive :

« Please don't bring it up. »

That was all Harry had to say to make Louis realize how much pain they both had been through, how hard it must have been for Harry too. He could see every piece of his broken heart, hanging there in his green emerald pair of eyes while all Louis could do was stand there and watch him. Even his voice had changed. It was deeper than before, hotter even. But, god, how broken he sounded, how painful it was for Louis to not explain. He wished he could just say those three words back, but he was two years late.

Harry's phone rang loudly, breaking them both out of their transe. Louis watched him pick up and walk in the other room, wondering who may be calling. While Harry was on the phone, he went to Niall who was in the kitchen, watching some movie, leaning on the bar counter. Just a few silent minutes later, Harry walked in the room behind him and, just like that, it was like every ounce of air had been drained out of Louis' lungs. Harry was deeply beautiful and it was almost painful to look at.

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