Chapter 15

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When the bell rang, Louis went to his locker and took his football stuff out. Once again, Harry was on the field, taking pictures of the team for the yearbook. Louis waved at him from afar and started playing with his teammates. However, this time, Nick was the one irritated and annoyed. He kept on missing his throws and could not even stop the ball when he was playing goal.

« What the fuck, Nick ? Louis screamed.
- Don't fucking talk to me, Tomlinson.
- I'm the captain so, yeah, I'm gonna talk to you if I want to.
- You're the captain ? You have been away for three damn months and think you've got the right to call yourself captain ? »

Louis ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar.

« I do think that, yes. Got a problem ?
- Yes, Nick pushed him away angrily. You're the problem, asshole !
- What is happening ? the coach ran up to them. Tomlinson ?
- I don't know, think he must be on his period or something.
- Shut the fuck up, Louis. I swear to God.
- Or what ? You're going to punch me ?
- Yes. Actually, I am.
- You think I'm afraid of someone like you ? Louis stepped closer to him, provocatively.
- Someone like me ?
- A. Fucking. Disgusting. Faggot, Louis stressed this last word, almost spitting it out »

He had not seen Harry who had walked up to them, ready to fight for Louis in case Nick made any move. He turned around, proud of having left Nick speechless, only to see broken and disappointed eyes. His grin faded away as Harry shook his head desperately, scoffed and walked away, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. He looked back to Nick, only to see him grinning proudly.

« That's what you were looking for, wasn't it ? »

       Louis rolled his eyes and chased Harry down. He found him lighting up his cigarette at the end of the school's stairs.

« Harry ! Wait up, for god's sake !
- What, Louis ? Harry stopped abruptly, turning around.
- You left without a word !
- Are you for real ?
- What ? »

An exasperated laugh slipped through Harry's lips as he was shaking his head energetically. Louis, on the other hand, was wide eyes, staring at Harry, incredulous. That was when the worst of all appeared to Harry. Louis really did not know what he had done wrong because, all of this, was normal to him. He was used to calling out people that assumed proudly their sexuality and being angry all the time. Harry, all this time, had been delusional, blinded by his young feelings. He began laughing out of frustration. But, this time, Louis did not laugh along. He was scared of the look in Harry's eyes. In what seemed like slow-motion, the curly one stepped closer to the one he was falling for. He took his time, moving Louis' fringe away from his deep blue eyes. He caressed his cheeks before cupping them. All this time, Louis was just watching him, waiting for whatever was happening but, in the midst of anticipation, he knew something was up. The butterflies had left to let a hurtful stress take its place in the pit of his stomach. He could feel Harry. The taller one bent down so his forehead was touching Louis' and brushed their hungry lips together before pulling him into a last kiss. He let his tongue trace down Louis' lower lip, without any teasing, just appreciation. Their tongues were rolling, twirling, intertwining at the tune of their racing hearts. Harry knew it would be the last time. It had to be. He knew he was falling and had to pull away as soon as possible. He could not keep on having his heart torn into pieces each time he saw Louis. So, for their very last kiss, he smiled as Louis kissed softly his dimples. Louis' hands grabbed Harry's wrists as he felt that he was stepping away, pulling him in closer. But, Harry just let go. He stepped back and, without any explanation, began to walk away. Louis was quicker so be grabbed his arm abruptly :

« Why did it felt like it was the last time ?
- Because I was saying goodbye, Louis. »

Harry just smiled faintly to him, afraid to fall into soft sobs and got out of his hold. He let his fingers slip along Louis' forearm and walked away. He knew Louis had not moved. He wanted so badly to turn around and look at him, one last time. Though they did not have anything, it really did feel like the end of a beautiful relationship. So, he kept his head down and walked away. Louis, on the other hand, stood right there, in front of the gate, speechless. His body was not responding to his brain anymore. He wanted to run after the one who left him, to call out his name as loud as he could. But he did none of that. He just stood there, in the cold afternoon, in the middle of their school.

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