Chapter 10

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When they got back to school this Monday, the tension filled every ounce of the classroom. Louis had let go of his usual seat and was now sitting a table closer to Harry, sending him subtle glances whenever the other one was looking away out at the window. He missed pulling onto those wonderful curls, moaning into those soft and pink lips and touching those strong inked arms. When the bell rang, he motioned, with a slight movement of the head, to Harry to join him in the bathroom. He ran there and waited for what felt like an eternity. When he finally saw a tall brown headed curly guy walk pass the door, Louis locked the door behind them and grabbed him by the collar, violently crushing their lips together. Harry pulled Louis against the sinks, his hands running down his back and grabbing his arse tightly while Louis moaned slightly, his fingers pulling onto Harry's long curls. Their tongues were fighting for dominance and Louis eventually gave in, Harry being empowered by lust. But he switched positions and pushed Harry against the opposite wall, his hungry lips now travelling down his throbbing neck, nibbling and sucking onto the skin hungrily while Harry let his head fall back, granting Louis more access. They were not even half done when the bell rang again and they both stepped back. They gave each other a questioning look but decided on leaving the bathroom five minutes apart. Louis, being the one who would always show up late, waited for Harry to get into class. He brought a hand to his swollen lips and wiped them. He wanted - no, he needed - more.

    As the days went on, their make out sessions were getting even more intense but, each time, would get interrupted by someone trying to walk in the room or by the bell ringing. High school definitely was not the place. Finals were coming by fast and Harry was getting more distant, trying to focus on his work and concentrate in classes but, with a torn Louis pouting at him, there was no way of escaping. One day, after school, Louis walked up to Harry as they were close to the iron gate :

    « Hey, there's no one at mine's tonight. I thought you could come.
- Are you having a party and actually inviting me ?
- No, dumbass. Just us. I wouldn't have invited you if it was a party.
- Right. »

    Harry rolled his eyes and began walking away until he was caught up by Louis.

    « You don't even have my address ! he protested.
- Fine, give it to me.
- Does that mean you'll come ? Louis took Harry's phone into his own hands and typed an address.
- Maybe I'll come but you're the one who asked that I came. The intention is yours.
- But you're the one coming, Louis winked before running off to his football team. »

    Harry shook his head and walked all the way home. Neither of Gemma and Anne were home yet so he texted his mother, telling her that he won't be home tonight. He showered and changed into something more casual yet which he thought would suit him best. He sprinkled some cologne over his neck and wrists and took a final look at the mirror. Why was he trying so hard ? He asked himself this same old question over and over again the whole bus drive until Louis' house. As he hopped out of the bus, he took a quick look around him before walking towards Louis' street. His young schoolmate was already under the porch, smoking a cigarette, his chin resting on his knees. His face enlightened when he saw Harry arrived and he threw away the destructive cigarette.

    « I did not think you'd show up, he grinned opening the front door to let Harry in.
- You asked me to.
- When was the last time you actually did something I asked you ?
- When was the last time we actually talked to each other ? Like, a real conversation.
- I don't think we ever did, Louis thought about this a few seconds. We never really talked.
- Right.
- Well, that doesn't have to stop. »

    As if on cue, he jumped into Harry's arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. Louis' hands were at the back of his neck and he was showing him the way to his room. After almost tripping a thousand times, Harry finally opened the door and let Louis fall on the bed, straddling him down. Louis' lips met Harry's as their waists were buckling up. After their tongues got enough of each other, Harry's lips went down attacking Louis' neck, leaving purple and possessive marks all over it. He licked on the burning skin, bit and suck on it while Louis' moans were getting even louder. He tried to bury them in his pillow but the feeling was too pleasing, too good. Harry tugged on Louis' t-shirt, indicating he wanted it off. As a result, Louis lifted his arms and Harry's lips left his skin just for them to get their shirts off. Their skin were burning against one another and their sweat were mixing. As Harry's mouth was tracing Louis' happy trail, the young boy arched his back off in pleasure, begging for more. The pleasure was so intense that his hard-on was killing him. Harry's mouth, tongue, fingers were all Louis could think about. There was nothing else around and no other sound but the sweet sound of his loud moans.

    A rough thirty minutes later, Harry stood up to clean himself, leaving a gasping Louis getting down from his high, laying on the messy bed. They did not even share a look nor a word. They had taken care of each other, now, they would go different ways without a regret. That was their relationship now, relieving their most frightening desires and keeping it their secret. Harry dressed up again and answered his phone which had been ringing for a while :

    « Hello ? he asked.
- Harry ? Where are you ? Nick asked on the other line.
- Oh, hey. I'm at a friend's house.
- Right. I'm sorry, I kind of just came up to your house and your sister told me you weren't there so I've been meaning to ask you.
- You were at my house ?
- Yes. I wanted to surprise you.
- What for ?
- To be nice.
- That's very sweet, thank you. Well, would you mind if I called you later ?
- No, sure. See you, Harry. »

    Harry hung up and shoved his phone in his back pocket, quite ashamed that he had to lie to one of his closest friends who, according to Louis and everyone around him, was falling for him. Just as he was putting his shirt on, Louis quietly sat up and looked up at Harry :

    « Who was it ? he asked as casually as possible.
- A friend of mine.
- Do I know him ?
- Why do you care ?
- I want to know.
- You seem to wanna know lots of things.
- I'm curious.
- Don't be with me, it's annoying.
- You know that I like you better with your mouth shut ?
- I know that I like you better with your mouth around my cock. By the way, it was Nick. »

    Harry left a speechless Louis standing in the middle of a room as messy as his thoughts.

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