Chapter 28

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The next morning, Harry woke up with an awful headache but a warm and full heart. Last night still felt like a dream but he was not sure wether it was the alcohol or not. He sat up, massaged his temples for a while and stood up. His throat was awfully dry and he desperately needed some painkillers. He went down and followed the scent of pancakes emanating from the kitchen.

« Hey, he said sleepily, kissing his mother on the forehead.
- Hey, sweetheart. Here, she handed him a fresh bottle of water which he drank up at once. Happy New Year, she chuckled and gave him a plate full of freshly baked pancakes. »

He thanked her and sat alone at the dining table. With his mouth full and his eyes still trying to widely open up, he said :

« Is Gemma home ?
- Yes she's packing.
- She's leaving already ?
- No, we planned a girls trip for a few days.
- When are you leaving ? he said with a confused look.
- This afternoon.
- Why am I not aware of this ?
- I thought she had told you. Anyway, we should be back in two days. The fridge's full, your laundry is on the cupboard over there and, I think that's all ?
- Don't worry mum, I already live alone.
- I know, love, I know. »

She kissed him on the cheek and walked out. He chew his pancakes with pain and swallowed a few painkillers before putting his plate in the sink and walking to Gemma's room. She was, as his mother said, packing and he sat on her bed in a long sigh.

« What, Styles ? I know you too well to know you've got something on your mind.
- I kissed him, Gem.
- Oh, she fell on her bed next to him, my god.
- I know.
- Why ? How ?
- I, he thought back about the previous night. I have no idea how it happened but it did and now I don't know if I should text him or ...
- Let him come to you. He's the one who has to make amends, isn't he ?
- I mean, yeah, I don't know.
- Well, you'll see. »

He sighed and stayed there, his phone placed next to him in case Louis texted, and watched his sister finish packing. At noon they decided it was time to leave and Harry hugged them before laying on the couch to watch a movie. At some point, and probably because of the previous night, he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Louis had just woken up. He checked the time and realized it was already noon so he went down to greet his mother and sisters. He wished them a happy new year and took a look at his phone. He wondered if Harry, too, was expecting a text, so he just decided to make the first move and searched on the Internet for the lamest jokes. When he found one he thought suited him, he sent it to Harry and waited. He waited for an hour before starting doubting wether he should have sent it or not. He kept on going back to their conversation, staring at what he had sent when, suddenly, he got a reply. He could feel his cheeks turn red as he realized that Harry must have seen he was on the conversation. A second later, he had another text : « Impatient, are we ? ». He giggled before beginning to type an answer : « Don't flatter yourself, Styles. ». Right after that, Harry's name was popping on the screen and Louis answered the call :

« I never do, Harry began.
- What ?
- I never flatter myself when it comes to you.
- Whatever pleases you, Louis chuckled.
- What are you doing ?
- Like now ? Louis took a look at the jumper and the shorts he was wearing as a pajamas.
- Yeah.
- You know, I'm always quite busy.
- My mother and sister went out but, I mean, it's a shame you're too busy to come by. Well, I'll see you later, I guess.
- Fuck you. I'll be there in ten. »

Harry chuckled and ended the call. He ran upstairs and, just as if he was eighteen again, tidied up his room the best he could. Not fifteen minutes later, the doorbell echoed in the house. He sprayed some cologne on him, passed a hand through his hair and joined Louis downstairs. He opened the front door just to be blinded by that winter sun reflecting on those blue eyes Harry would drown in.

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