Chapter 17

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As Louis walked dreamily home, Harry filling his every thoughts, he opened the door to an angry looking Simon. His arms were crossed, his eyebrows drawn together and his jaw clenched. It looked as though he had been waiting for him a long time though he was sure as he had not received any call.

    « Good evening, Louis said a bit too politely to be sincere.
- Where were you ?
- At a party.
- Who's ?
- Josh's. Why the interrogation ?
- Because you're lying.
- No, I'm not ! Louis protested.
- You've had that guilty look on your face for a while now and you always look a bit too happy about things. Are you on drugs ?
- Of course not !
- What is happening to you ? You can't be like this without a reason.
- I'm just happy ! Why can't you just accept that ? he argued as he stumbled in his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. »

    He locked himself in his bedroom and did not come out until noon the next morning. As they were all having lunch, Louis' phone buzzed and Harry's name popped on the screen. He unlocked it to read the text and answered within seconds.

    « Mum ? he asked softly. Could I go out this afternoon ?
- Sure, love. Where ?
- I need to get some work done with some friends.
- Don't you want to go out and play football ? Simon suggested.
- I need to work.
- But you also need to become a real man. Look at your arms, they're so tiny, he pointed out with a disdainful look. »

    Jay did not hesitate a second to shut Simon up and agreed to Louis going out. He did not wait any more time to run back to his room and change into a casual outfit. He wore a black hoodie and some ripped blue jeans as well as his usual Vans. He shoved his phone, wallet and keys in his pockets and went out to meet with Harry. He found him sitting patiently under the bus station, his camera's bag on his shoulders. They greeted simplistically and Louis began walking towards the center of town but Harry stopped him right away.

    « What ? Louis asked surprised.
- I'm taking you somewhere else.
- Where ?
- Can't tell you. Get in, he pointed at the car across the street.
- You know how to drive ?
- Yes.
- This is your car ?
- No.
- Did you steal it ?
- Yes and I'm holding you hostage. Come on, get in !
- Alright, Louis smiled to himself and hopped in the passenger seat. »

    At first, they drove silently with no other sound but the music coming out from the speakers. However, as Louis saw a sign indicating they were leaving town, he turned to Harry.

    « Come on, tell me, now.
- No, he said sternly.
- I can't get off the car so you can tell me anyway, he argued.
- No, Harry added.
- But I want to know !
- You sound like a five years old, Harry turned to him fondly.
- Shut the fuck up, Louis sat deeper in his seat and turned to the window. »

    Harry kept on sending not so subtle glances to Louis and, each time, he would let a soft giggle escape from his lips at the sight of his annoyed yet desperate for information face. A few minutes later, Louis had fallen asleep and Harry shook him up softly when they arrived. As Louis opened his sleepy eyes, he was blinded by the rays of the sun reflecting on the windows of the car. He took a look around him. The car was parked on a small hill from which they could see the whole town. They were away from this teeming atmosphere, in a space where they were alone in a respectful silence and reciprocal feelings. Louis was in awe. The green grass was covered of sprinkles from the cold winter which only attracted the rays of the sun some more. He jumped out of the car and walked to the end of the cliff. Everything was perfectly beautiful and he was finally able to escape a time and space of which he had been a hostage for so long. He could hear a distant clicking coming from Harry's camera but he did not mind. On the other hand, Harry was astonished by Louis' pure beauty. The sun made his hair look almost golden and his eyes seemed to have caught every ounce of blue in the Caribbean sea. He could not take his eyes off his smile, off his angelic face, off him.

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