Chapter 18

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The weeks passed on quickly, too quickly. Harry and Louis were about to get coffee out of a Starbucks near their school when Harry's phone buzzed. He unlocked it only to see an email from UCAS, telling him there was an update on his application status. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat, making him trip. Louis turned to him confusedly and leaned in to see who the email was from. He took the phone out of Harry's hands before he could even read it and opened the email. His heart squeezed in his chest and crashed his bones as he stuttered :

« Harry ...
- If I did not get in just tell me already, he swiped his sweaty hands on his jeans.
- No, no. You got in. You fucking got in, baby ! Louis jumped in Harry's arms and laughed happily to Harry's smiling face. »

Harry first did not react. How could he realize that, the school he had been dreaming of for years now, was expecting him to attend it ? He tightened his grip around Louis' waist and held him up, making his tiny lover turn. He peppered him with soft kisses, a wide grin glued to his lips which he could not wipe. At that sight, Louis forgot all of his own insecurities, everything he was scared of. Harry was happy and that is all that mattered.

« I got in ! I can't realize it, he sighed happily.
- You did. That's ... it's just fucking amazing ! Congrats, love.
- It's going to be incredible, Harry began walking towards a bench which he sat on excitingly. I'm so excited, you know ? Having my own place, meeting new people, studying what I've always wanted to. It's going to be a whole new life.
- It is, it is ! I'm very happy for you. »

Everything Louis said was true. He was happy for Harry, how could he not ? But there was still that feeling, so uneasy and uncomfortable, in the pit of his stomach, that made him feel as lonelier than ever. Because the truth was that he was suddenly realising he had no place in Harry's future and new life.

Three months later

School was finally over. The boys had graduated and were packing for their summer vacations and for their whole new lives, waiting for them in September. Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis had gotten quite good friends over the past few months and had decided on going to California together this week. Harry and Louis still had not said anything about them yet. They did not want to label whatever was going on between the two of them as a relationship though it had been going on for months and everyone was quite aware of it. As Harry was packing his suitcase, his mother behind him making sure he had everything he needed, Louis called him. He denied the call since his mother was there and continued packing as though nothing happened.

« Aren't you going to call him back ? Anne asked.
- I will.
- I noticed how you've been looking at him and he's here often. Should we have, you know, the talk ?
- Gosh, mom, no !
- I don't know ! she defended herself. You're two high school boys and, you know, things happen and ...
- Please, stop that. Now. I'm begging you.
- Harry ...
- No, he cut her off. Please.
- Alright, just make sure you ...
- Gosh mom stop, Harry brought his hands up to his ears. I know, alright, I know !
- Have you ... ?
- Mom ! For fuck's sake ! Get out ! No we haven't ! »

He pushed his mother out of his room and fell on his unmade bed, sighing deeply. He took his phone out and called Louis back.

« Louis ?
- You've denied my call.
- Shut up.
- Are you done packing ?
- Unfortunately not. Have you ?
- Still haven't started .
- You know that we're leaving tonight, right ?
- Yes. I've still got time, haven't I ?
- You've got two hours.
- Wasn't going to ask for more.
- Wasn't planning on giving you more.
- Shut up.
- Only if you make me, Harry teased. »

They talked for a while, both laying in their respective beds, the phone pressed to their ear, laughing and drowning their soft giggles in their pillows. As they hung up, Harry went back to packing and Louis started his own suitcase.

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