Chapter 2

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It had been four days since back to school and the idea of hanging himself was bugging Harry more than ever. He had never seemed to work so hard, trying to keep up his good grades as well as his photographic activities. He kept updated an album where he printed the pictures he liked best. He felt as though they conveyed every emotion he once felt and never dared show this book to anyone, not even his sister, given how personal it was. As he was travelling through his mind, he got brought back to earth by Niall who squeezed his arm.

« Hey, H, Nick is throwing a party tomorrow and we're going.
- A party sounds good. Who's going to be there ?
- I don't know. Everyone ?
- Right. »

Harry brought his pencil to his mouth and chew it unconsciously, looking out at the window. Friday came around sooner than expected and he was glad the first week was finally over. He would have time to rest at home and focus on his pictures.

« Who's hosting the party ? asked his mother as Harry was about to leave for the party that night.
- Nick. I already told you, mum.
- I just wanted to be sure. Don't come home late, sweetie.
- I won't.
- Do you want me to come get you ?
- Niall is giving me a ride home. Don't worry, mum, I'll be fine, Harry rolled his eyes.
- I just want to make sure, love. Do you have everything ? Your keys ? Money ?
- I do, mum. Look, Niall's outside. I love you, bye.
- Bye, baby. Love you too ! shouted Anne as her son was already walking down the porch to Niall's car. »

Harry sat down in the passenger seat and thanked his friend for picking him up. They turned the radio on and did a quick carpool karaoke, getting in the party mood, before finally arriving at Nick's. It was already ten at night and people already seemed to have been partying for a while now. The music could be heard from inside Niall's car and Harry could see that everyone was already pretty wasted. When he opened the front door, the scent of cigarette and alcohol filled his nostrils, making him wince at once. He was pushed by someone behind him and turned around, pissed off. It was Nick who had almost thrown his hands at Harry :

« Harry ! You made it ! Nick cheered, a wide grin spreading across his face.
- Yeah, I came with Niall. Sorry we're a bit late.
- You came, that's what matters ! Nick gave him a gentle pat on the back. Come, get yourselves some drinks in the kitchen. »

The boys followed their host around, greeting their friends as they made their way to the kitchen. People were doing body shots on the counter, making out sensually, bringing the temperature fifty degrees up. Harry had taken his camera with him, as he would always do, and walked around the living room, taking pictures of those who wanted to. These would be added to his end of the year project and, probably to the yearbook too. After taking a few shots with Nick, they laughed about their first week of class and how fed up they already were of school.
After a while, Harry was definitely feeling dizzy from the alcohol but in the best of ways. He was what we would call tipsy, having fun and laughing loudly around without being overwhelmed by the liquor. He wandered around the house, looking for Niall but the Irish boy was nowhere to be found. He went upstairs to find an empty room to call his friend from but, as he did so, he found himself in front of the bathroom's door, half opened. There, was lying Louis Tomlinson, his face resting on the toilets, a thin line of vomit hanging from his parted dried lips. Harry was disgusted by the sight and even more by the character himself but he could not just let someone in this kind of situation alone.

« Hey, I'm going to lay you down, alright ? he asked while stretching an arm under Louis' shoulders.
- Don't fucking touch me you fag, Louis stuttered only throwing up some more.
- Right. I'm leaving you here. »

Harry was already halfway down the hall when he heard a small plaintive voice calling out his name. He did not turn around at first but, as the sound got repeated, he sighed and dragged feet back to the bathroom. He passed an arm under Louis' shoulders and helped him get up. He saw Louis parting his lips again and Harry warned angrily :

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