Chapter 29

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They were both curled up against each other on the couch, watching a movie Harry had picked and was determined to finish just to prove Louis wrong. They could feel the heavy tension building up between them but Harry would not admit it. He wanted to be right and will be. Or so he thought. As Louis was getting bored, he began playing with Harry's curls, running his long fingers through his hair and placing soft kisses around his temples. He felt as though nothing had changed from two years ago, that even though they only had kissed two days ago, everything was as they had left it. But with more desires and Louis wanted to heat the atmosphere up. His hand left Harry's hair to trace down from his shoulder to his wrist. He then innocently moved his hand from his arm to his chest and traced down towards the hem of his pants. He was about to slid two fingers under it when Harry frowned and, not a second later, his hand was being pushed away :

« I'm telling you, Louis. We're finishing that movie.
- What ? You're still stuck on that ? Louis laughed at his face.
- I don't like being wrong.
- You're so stubborn. Don't you wanna have a little fun ? his lips left Harry's forehead for his neck but Harry sat up.
- I hate being wrong. »

Louis sighed and spread his legs so Harry would lay between them and back on his chest. He began playing with his hair again, muttering that he missed his curls from time to time, making Harry chuckle. He let a few minutes pass until he brought his hungry lips closer to the shell of Harry's ear and, placing soft kisses around his neck, whispered :

« I don't like being wrong either, you know ? »

Harry could feel his pants tighten as Louis' hands were travelling down his pants but quickly shook his head, determined not to let him win.

« You can't do that.
- And why is that ? Louis lips did not leave Harry's neck, nibbling on his skin teasingly.
- Because that's, he held in a moan as Louis' lips sucked on his skin. Because it's unfair.
- Who said I was playing fair, love ? »

Harry sighed longly. He knew that he would not be able to resist Louis' thin lips and rough hands any longer. He sat up and got out of Louis' hold, making sure there was nothing else but their elbows touching.

« Fine, sighed Louis as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder. »

Harry smiled, thinking he had won, and focused back on the movie. Not minutes later, Louis' hand were tracing up and down his thigh, palming his growing bulge. Overwhelmed by lust, he did not push him away as he unbuttoned his pants and slid his hand under his boxers.

« Lou ..., Harry moaned at the contact of Louis' cold fingers around his burning cock. »

Louis smiled cheekily and began making small thrusts, each time trying to take more of Harry into his palm. The other one was trying his best not to close his eyes and focus on the movie. But Louis' touch was so overwhelming, so perfect in every ways that, as the thrusts were getting rougher, he simply threw his head back and let out a loud repressed groan. Louis happily pulled down Harry's pants and, getting out of his own, straddled him down, and grabbed his neck crashing their lips together. Louis was on top of him, letting himself move to the rhythm of Harry's hands on his bum. The friction between their two crotches was getting even more intense every seconds and the moans even louder. Louis' lips traced down Harry's chest, sucking and licking on his butterfly tattoo. He tucked down the hem of Harry's boxer before pulling them off, revealing his aching boner.

« I'm gonna do you so good, baby, Louis licked his lips, staring at Harry's member. »

Harry giggled softly as Louis spread his legs open. His soft lips brushed around his thighs, sucking on the skin and leaving purple marks as Harry was arching his back of the couch trying to get Louis to take more of him, to speed up. He was desperate for more and could not take it anymore with Louis' usual teasing. He could feel his whole body shiver, tremble, each time he would be touched. As Harry was wrapping his legs around Louis' head, Louis' tongue swirled around Harry's entrance. The rush of warmth into the pit of his stomach made his eyes roll down in pleasure and his sight all blurry.

« Lou, Harry groaned as Louis' tongue twirled inside of him. »

  Louis' hands were keeping Harry's legs spread and his mouth was playing around his entrance while his tongue was dancing in him, triggering his orgasm and teasing him. He could feel his whole being shake from the orgasm that was coming. But Louis had decided otherwise. He wanted to give Harry as much pleasure as he could endure and make him scream as loud as possible. As his tongue was dancing inside of Harry, he slid two fingers along it into his lover and brought his free hand up to Harry's cock.

Louis was thrusting his fingers inside of Harry, hitting his prostate while his hand was still going up and down Harry's cock, wiping the pre-cum from the tip of it. His tongue was magically moving to the rhythm of his thrusts and Harry who was already hardly breathing, stuttered by uncontrollable moans. The curly one almost jumped out from the couch when, in a final swirl of the tongue and curl of fingers, Louis reach Harry's prostate. He whimpered, his legs feeling numb, his toes curling and, in that split second, every single nerve in his body was electrified and the urge to scream out his Louis' name overpowered him, spreading around every ounce of his being. That was when they knew he had reached his climax. He came all over himself in both a sense of relief from the tension building up and a shameless attitude. Harry collapsed on the couch in a loud groan, his breathing still uneven and his eyes blurred by lust, under Louis' lousy smirk, quite content of the state he had left Harry in.

« I fucking hate you, Harry said breathlessly.
- I know love, that's why you screamed my name a thousand times. »

Harry's eyes widened at Louis' comment and he just laid there on the couch, naked, watching Louis go upstairs to shower, wearing nothing but his underwear.

Twelve hours before Harry leaving

After spending two nights at Harry's, Louis realized how this idyllic time must be coming to an end, either because of Anne and Gemma coming back or because of Harry leaving again. Harry was currently curled up against Louis' chest, running his hand around his tattoos and contouring them with his long fingers.

« I like this one, he pointed at the « It is what it is » tattooed on his chest. »

Louis looked down to where Harry was pointing and smiled. You would have thought he was looking at his own chest but all he could see were Harry's long eyelashes resting against his green pupils. He could have stayed there for hours, just looking at that fine man nuzzled in his chest, looking both like a forty years old man and a five years old boy. The night had set but the moon seemed to be throwing its light into the room, reflecting on every features of Harry's beautiful face. That is when it hit Louis. In less than a day, they would be separated. Again. He felt as though it had went away in a second, like they had not spent enough time together, but, at the same time, it was just like an entire year had passed by. He watched Harry closing his eyes and pressed his lips against his forehead, holding him tighter.

« What is it, Lou ? Harry asked looking up to Louis, just as though he could feel something was up.
- It's another goodbye, isn't it ?
- I guess, Harry looked back down and, suddenly, it was as if all the love that was emanating from the room had frozen, leaving its place to a cold and heavy silent. »

Harry had pulled away a little and turned the television on. He was looking blankly at the screen when he felt that his eyelids were getting heavy. Next thing he knew, he was being pulled into Louis' warm arms and did not complain. He wished he could have fallen asleep every night like this, right where he belonged, right where he felt at home. But fate had decided otherwise and the next day, he would have to pack again, right under Louis' eyes, and go back to that airport. Just like he had been thrown two years back.

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