Chapter 31

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Harry's suitcase was down the hall, next to the front door. He was checking one last time he had not forgotten anything when his eyes laid back on those pictures of him and Louis. He got them out of the bin and opened that drawer of his desk, the one that held all of those memories. He took them one by one into his long and rugged hands, feeling like he had just been sent back in time. He felt as though he could still feel the feelings, see the events in his head and, some way, the pictures were moving right in front of his eyes. They both looked so young, so carefree. Their faces were rounder then, always smiling and laughing. He head a soft humming coming from behind and turned around to see Louis standing by the doorway.

« That was some time ago, Harry pointed out.
- It was. Do you still take pictures ?
- Yeah but I left them all in London.
- Right. Maybe one day I'll come by and see for myself.
- That would be nice, Harry smiled and placed back the pictures into that same old drawer that had kept them closed for years. »

They went downstairs and it was just another goodbye. At least, that was what they were telling each other. Anne cupped her boy's face and pressed her warm lips against his cheeks, holding him tightly. Gemma pulled him in into a hug and took his phone out of his hands :

« Use this. Call me, right ?
- I will. Promise, he kissed her on the forehead. I love you.
- Love you too ! Gemma and Anne said back. »

Then, he turned to Louis who had remained a bit away, close to the doorstep.

« Do you need a ride ?
- Depends ? Harry winked and Louis shook his head, laughing fondly and blushing as Gemma and Anne were still in the room.
- What are you ? Five ?
- I'm the one that should be asking you that. You're 5'5 !
-  I'm 5'9 ! Louis yelled but Harry had already climbed into the car. »

He turned around and waved at Gemma and Anne as he was pulling Harry's suitcase on the backseats. The car went out of the alley, down to the road, and that was when they realized how close they were to saying goodbye. During the whole drive, they kept on teasing each other and laughing. The music was loud, the heat on and their fingers were intertwined. When Louis pulled over on the parking lot, their faces grew darker but, still wearing his usual cheeky smile, Harry rushed to his suitcase and opened it, throwing everything out under Louis' both amused and perplex eyes.

« Fuck it ! Harry swore.
- What the fuck are you doing ? Louis asked.
- Close your eyes, Harry said as he finally found it.
- What ? Why ?
- Close them.
- No.
- Louis. Close them, Harry pressed his fingers on Louis' eyelids so he would eventually close them. »

Finally, he got out a small blue velvet box and, throwing his clothes back inside the suitcase, closed it and walked closer to Louis.

« What are you doing, Haz ? It's been twenty minutes.
- You're such a drama queen. »

Harry closed the car's door and took Louis' hands out of his face. He handed him the box and smiled, a bit embarrassed :

« Consider this as a Merry Christmas-happy new year-don't forget me, kind of present. »

Louis raised his eyes to meet Harry's but the other one was looking down at his feet. He opened carefully the box and took a ring out. It was simple, nothing too fancy, but just perfect in Louis' taste. It was silver with an H graved on it. Louis went on his tiptoe, cupped Harry's cheeks and kissed him longly. He slid it on his middle finger and it just fitted perfectly.

« If you don't like it it's alright ... I mean ...
- Shut up. It's perfect. Thank you. »

Louis' nose scrunched and he pinched his lips, just like he would always do when blushing or being so infatuatedly in love with Harry. Suddenly, the rush to hold this so raw beauty got hold of him. He got on the tip of his toes and threw himself at Harry, wrapping his small arms around his neck. He buried his face in his warmth and waited for Harry to hold him back, which he did, his rough hands gripping on Louis' tiny waist. They did not know how much time they stayed there but, right now, it felt as though they would never let go. Because they did not want to, they did not want to go through the pain of being away again and Harry kept on questioning himself, wether he had been right about coming back here. With his jaw clenched to hold in the tears, Harry pulled away, placing a soft kiss on where Louis' fringe used to fall.

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