Chapter 14

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When they went back down to Harry's room, both of them yawned loudly and they decided to head to bed. Harry suggested that Louis could sleep in the guest room if it pleased him but, obviously, he ended up nuzzled into the tinier one's neck. He inhaled this deep scent of vanilla and tobacco and brushed against the cold skin with his parted lips. Louis held him closer and kissed him lightly. Harry knew that, at some point, he would have to ask explanations on to what they currently were but he also was aware that, the second he would ask so, the magic would be gone. This, right here, was the freedom of falling in love, two young hearts beating in synchronization and for the same feeling. As Louis was holding Harry tight, he pressed his lips on his temples only to feel some dry blood. He realized that this small wound was a consequence of their violent fighting in the locker room. Harry pulled away to turn the lights off before curling up in Louis' chest.

« If I tell you something, will you promise never to mention it again ? Louis asked a few moments later as he was falling asleep. »

Harry placed a kiss on Louis' neck, not answering because he knew that, if Louis was about to tell him something that would change something between them, he would eventually bring it up at some point. So, he just kissed him and Louis did not even wait for his answer before saying :

« You were right all along. I'm disgusting. »

Harry's eyes widened. To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. He wanted to pull away, bring a mirror to Louis and force him to look at all the beauty emanating from his delicate features. He wanted to cup his cheeks and kiss every ounce of his skin. He needed to make him open his eyes and, right now, wanted nothing more but for Louis to see himself through Harry's eyes. Because Harry hadn't been right. He had been wrong all along. Louis was the most beautiful human being walking on earth and nothing in the whole world could change that for him.

But, Louis' breathing had gotten even and Harry realized he had fallen asleep. The whole night, he struggled to sleep, a million thoughts bugging him. How could Louis, Louis Tomlinson, think that and how could himself have ever thought that ? He always seemed to be the one who had everything under control, who had everything he needed. Why would he say such things ? On this thought, he fell into a heavy and worried sleep.

The next day, when his alarm went off, the words Louis said the night before were Harry's first thought. He turned around to face Louis only to find him peacefully sleeping, the sunlight reflecting on his beautiful face. That's when Harry had an idea. He hoped with all his heart Louis would not wake up, or else he might never speak to him again. Harry stood up and, without a sound, took his camera out. He positioned himself and took the picture just as Louis was waking up. He kneeled down on the bed, his camera i to his trembling hands, zoomed on Louis' peaceful face and captured that moment. That beautiful moment when his eyelashes were hiding his ocean-like eyes, when his lips were softly parted and his face slightly turned to the right. But when he felt him move, Harry jumped back and hid the camera the best he could.

« Harry ? What are you doing ?
- Nothing, I just got up, he lied as he was shoving his camera back in its bag.
- What time is it ? he yawned loudly.
- Time to get up, we have to get to school.
- I hate it.
- School ? Me too. »

Harry went down and brought a bowl of cocoa puffs to Louis before getting in the shower. As he was dressing up, he turned to Louis who was sitting, legs crossed, on Harry's bed, looking like a nine years old child. Harry sighed out of fond and sat next to him.

« What ? Louis asked with his thick accent, the mouth full of cocoa puffs.
- I remember what you said yesterday.
- I don't.
- Then, how do you know what I'm talking about ?
- I don't. Anyway, gotta go take a shower. Talk later.
- No, Harry grabbed his wrist. You need to know that you're not a monster or disgusting for the ways you try to drown your own demons. We all have them.
- I ...
- Let me finish, Harry cut him off. I thought about it all night, wondering what may have crossed your mind. You need to know that, before we became whatever we are, the only thing I had in my life was work, and work again. Now, you filled me with pain and frustration but that's not it. You taught me how to love. Because with you, I love everything more. I don't mind staying with you in a park at night doing nothing while the silent fills us in. I didn't even mind having to go to detention because you make everything better. I always thought that you had brought the worst out of me but, as I thought about it all night, I realized that what I thought was my dark part is actually the brightest. So, whatever happens, whatever you're telling yourself. Stop. Hear me out and let me in because I won't stop trying. You've made my days ten times more beautiful and you make me go crazy over the slightest things you do. But that's what I like about you. »

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