Chapter 7

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The next day, when Harry arrived to school, late as usual, Nick was waiting for him next to the football team.

« Hey, H ! Nick greeted.
- H ? That's new.
- Yeah, heard your mom call you that last time. Thought it was cute.
- Right, Harry smiled faintly at his friend as they were walking towards their lockers.
- So, is detention with Louis still that horrible ?
- Been getting better, Harry admitted though he did not mention how much he was getting more excited each day to share this quiet moment with Louis.
- As if on cue, Nick pointed at Louis who was walking towards his locker as well. »

At this moment, it was like everything had turned into slow motion. Louis was looking at Harry and Nick and Harry's eyes were following Louis's moves. When blue and green met, the world around melted into small drops of colorful paint. Nothing else existed. They were alone in this world where hate had turned into a queer affection and enemies into whatever they currently were. But, this only lasted a few seconds, until Louis looked down and walked away, disappearing in a crowd of teeming teenagers.

That day, the headmaster had asked Louis to come by his office. He anxiously walked to the appointment, not really sure what this was about. He knocked on the door before entering, dragging feet :

« Hello, Louis. Please, take a seat, the principal motioned to a chair.
- Thank you. You wanted to see me ?
- Yes. I talked to your coach and you're lucky he likes you very much. He seems quite eager for you to come back and I decided to release you from those two last weeks of detention. Instead, you can attend training.
- Really ? Louis' face lighted up. Thank you ! »

The headmaster smiled and Louis ran back to class with a wide grin. After school, he ran back home and changed into his football uniform before running back to school for trainings. He greeted his teammates and ran to the field where he was cheered by the coach. The wet grass, the competitive atmosphere, the shorts making him freeze. He had missed every single thing of it and could not be happier at that instant.

On the other hand, Harry had walked cheerfully to detention. Since a few days now, it was not a drudgery anymore. Louis and him would often share subtle glances and he would always smile when their eyes would meet. He sat at the top left corner and got his books out. He did not really mind Louis not being here yet, he was usually late. However, after a few long minutes which seemed like eternity, he raised his head towards the door. He stared at it for some time, hoping it would open and let Louis walk in at any time. But, it never did. Disappointed, he turned to the window where the field was. There, was running a familiar curvy figure. Harry squinted eyes, trying to distinguish the name on the jersey. Tomlinson. Louis had went back to tranings. He would not come to detention anymore and he had not even bother to tell him. Harry felt as if he had been betrayed, detention being like some kind of routine between them. But, what did he truly expect ? That because they had spent an hour a day together for almost three months they would be friends ? He had been wrong all along and felt stupid believing that things had changed, even for a split second. He sighed loudly and got back to his studies. The hour was long and boring without someone to share it with. However, as Harry had to stay fifteen more minutes, the door opened and a sweaty messy Louis in his football uniform came in. Without a look to Harry, he sat down behind the computers and got his notes out. Louis did not need Harry's anymore, he had learnt to do his own ones and realized that he had actually gotten better at learning. His grades were now around A- and all of his teachers congratulated him. However, something still did not feel right. He had everything he wanted three months back but, as he had it now, running around the field, he felt as if something was wrong, like a piece of him was missing. That's when he had seen him, through the window. He had his head down, working on whatever. For a while, he had just stood there, in the middle of the field, watching him from afar. His curls were falling before his eyes and his jaw was clenched, as it would always be when he would be focused. He squinted his eyes only to see his tongue sticking out at the corner of his lips. In that moment, Louis realized that Harry had probably been waiting for him today. He had seen Harry's eyes enlighten as he had walked through that door but did not dare look at him. He was getting soft and hated it. He needed to distance himself from this clownery but, each time, something was pulling him back and, that thing, was his own self.

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