Chapter 6

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The next day, as it was detention's time, Harry went out for a quick smoke as he had just got out of three hours of Economics and just needed to clear his head out. When he was done, he checked the time and figured he was ten minutes late. He shoved his bag on his back and walked down to the library. As he was opening the door, he stopped right there, bumping into Louis. As a reflex, he had held his hand between them, crashing it onto Louis' chest. Louis looked down at Harry's hand, filling the gap between them and, for a second, it was as though nothing else existed but Harry's touch. A wild hot shiver ran through his spine, making him uneasy to focus on anything else.

« Sorry, Harry excused himself, walking past Louis.
- Sure, no problem. I mean, it's nothing. I don't care. »

Harry sent him an awkward glance and walked to his usual seat. On the contrary, Louis almost ran off to the bathroom. He grabbed the sink tightly with both his hands and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He passed an angry hand through his hair and punched in the mirror as hard as he could, breaking it in hundreds of small pieces. His hand was bleeding and he realized what a huge mistake he had made. Alarmed by the noise, Harry had snuck into the bathroom. He halted as he saw the broken mirror and Louis trying to clean up his hand, the sink full of bloody water.

« What happened ?
- I don't know.
- Didn't like the way he was looking at you ? Harry teased with almost a smile resting on his thin lips.
- What ?
- Never mind. Need a hand ? he laughed at his own pun but stopped right there as he met Louis' tired eyes.
- I'm fine.
- You don't seem though.
- I am. Don't worry. My mom's a nurse, I know what I have to do.
- Whatever. »

Harry walked out of the room but, instead of going to the library, he found his way all the way to the infirmary. The door was not locked so he quietly snuck in and grabbed the first emergency kit he saw. He walked back to the bathroom and handed Louis the kit.

     « What is this ?
- Emergency kit. Thought your mother was a nurse.
- She is. Why would you bring this to me ?
- Because you're bleeding ? You really are stupid, aren't you ?
- Shut up. »

Harry did not take notice of what Louis said and just kneeled down next to him.

« You really did make a mess here, huh ? Harry joked as he wiped some pieces of glass away from him. »

He opened the kit and disinfected the wounds on Louis' phalanxes. Then, he unrolled the bandage and wrapped it around Louis' hand. All this time, Louis could not stop fighting the unholy thoughts about Harry crossing his mind. He wanted to punch him so badly, just so their bodies would touch. He needed it. It was like a burning desire which was taking control of him. He looked up to Harry, analyzing his every features. His eyebrows were furrowed as they would always be when he was focusing. His hair were messily styled but in a nice way altogether. He was biting his lower lip, probably from focusing which only made his cheekbones and sharp jaw stand out more than usual. Louis had never seen Harry that way, or at least he had never watched him like that. This was a whole different man, more mature and mysterious rather than disgusting. For a long time, when crossing paths with Harry, the only thing coming up to Louis' mind was that he was gay. He did not think about his name nor who he was. He was just the gay, or fag as Louis used to call him. As Harry was finishing, he raised his head, finally meeting Louis' blue eyes. He raised his eyebrows, seeing that the other one was already looking at him. However, he did not look away. He drowned his green stare into a blue sea where he felt everything else disappear. Within a few seconds, they both left this ecstatic state of mind and were brought harshly to reality.

« What are we going to do about this ? Louis asked pointing at the broken mirror.
- Not we. You. You're the one who broke it.
- Right, sorry.
- Well, if neither of us say anything, they won't know.
- You won't say a thing ?
- No. I hate the principal just as much as you do. »

Louis nodded and stood up clumsily. They both walked back to detention and none of them talked until the bell rang. This time, Harry did not leave like he would usually do. He did not storm out without looking back at Louis. He took his time packing his things, he walked to the door and, before closing it behind him, turned around :

« Goodbye. »

Louis did not even realize what Harry said until he saw him walking down the hallway. He did not quite understand Harry's shift of attitude nor where it came from but he found it comforting, well almost. The hate he had felt towards him for years now had seemed to be slowly fading away, little by little. When Louis got home that day, his mother still had not came back and Simon was the only one sitting around the table, his sisters being at their friend's house.

« You seem to always come home late, lately, Simon pointed out.
- I'm studying at school.
- With who ?
- No one, Louis said coldly, annoyed that Simon thought it was alright for him to question him like that.
- Why can't you study here ?
- Too noisy ? I'm fine at school. And, I have detention anyway.
- This still isn't over ?
- Ends in two weeks.
- And who's that boy I saw you get out of school with ?
- He's no one.
- Is he the fag you fought with ? »

Louis nodded. As Simon pronounced the word « fag » to describe Harry, he could not help but feel annoyed, angry even, but decided not to pick on it and cause a scene. He just acquiesced and ate his food silently. That night, his thoughts were heavy and kept him awake half the night. He did not know what was happening to him but where Harry had touched him kept on burning, as if he wanted more, which he knew he did not. He knew that he was overthinking it but, what could he do ? Harry was a scary thought and was filling up his mind. He ignored all about that strange tingling on his chest where Harry's hand had rested and tried not to think about his long fingers wrapping the bandage around his wounded hand. Holding his arm next to his heart, Louis finally fell into a heavy and dreamless sleep.

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