Chapter 13

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« Niall, I didn't know you were picking me up ! Harry said surprised to see his best friend from whom he had unconsciously distanced himself over the past few weeks.
- Well, I thought we could walk to school together like we used to, Niall smiled.
- I'd love nothing more ! Let me get my backpack, Harry ran up to his room, coming down in just a second. I'm ready, let's go. »

They had not walked for a minute that Niall stopped and took Harry by the shoulders, turning him so they would face each other.

« Harry, I've known you for a while now. Tell me what is going on.
- I've got no idea what you're talking about, Ni.
- Come on ! I thought you were all about Nick and that was why you had been a bit distant but yesterday he called me and said you weren't yourself.
- That's absurd.
- No it's not. Tell me.
- I can't, not now.
- But ...
- No, Niall. I can't. That's it, cut it off, Harry lashed out angrily. »

Niall knew his friend well enough to know he should not insist on the subject. Instead, he shrugged and kept walking. This whole day, Harry had Niall's question spinning around his head. He knew what was happening. He was aware of that but, saying it out loud ? He could not. It would have made things much more concrete than before. He was not ready and he needed to distance himself from Louis before anyone, including the tiny lad, would notice he was already head over heels. That day, he dodged every glances Louis would send him. He kept his head down and pushed himself out of Louis' way to make sure there would not be any interaction. On the other side, Louis' heart was momentarily breaking. He could not possibly imagine that, after opening himself up the night before, drowning his sorrow into so perfect arms, Harry would let him down like this. In his head, Harry was the most hypocrite and cold hearted person he had ever met, but he was also the one his heart raced for and he hated him for it.

That day after school, Louis went straight to trainings with Zayn. He was quite annoyed by Harry's attitude and was even more irritated than before. Of course his teammates noticed but they did not dare say anything, scared the young fellow would tear them down. Louis played awfully that day and he got out of the field, his eyes sending daggers to everyone on his way. But he felt all of his muscles crisp as Harry was standing right in the locker room. His fists and jaw were clutched, almost breaking his face into pieces. It had come again, that unbearable hate. It was right there.

« What the fuck are you doing here ?
- Came to see Nick.
- Then get out of my way you fag, Louis spat out.
- Don't fucking call me that when you've been begging for my cock all week, Harry punched into one of the lockers next to him. »

Louis turned around in a breath and grabbed Harry by his collar. He threw him against several lockers, punching him in the stomach. It did not take long for the taller one to respond. He intercepted Louis' next punch and grabbed his wrists, pushing him with such force that he sent him in the next lockers' alley. Lockers were broken, benches were thrown and blood was flooding when Louis' teammates entered the room. They all sent each other worried and questioning looks at the sight of the two boys punching themselves breathlessly.

« Fucking go away, Louis yelled at them. »

They were all scared away and went out, not wishing to get into any kind of problems. Even Nick left but that, Harry did not care. He was not there for him after all, he had lied. The only one he wanted to see was the one whose fist was crashing on his face.

« I fucking hate you, Louis lashed out as Harry threw him on one of the lockers across the room.
- I couldn't hate you more, Harry said carried away by the fight and the frustration he had experienced for so long. »

But, that last sentence did not exactly sound like pure hatred. Harry had cornered him against one of the lockers. Their faces were just a few inches away, their noses almost touching. As Harry brought his hand behind Louis' neck to end this fight in a single rough but effective punch, his arm took an unexpected turn and, instead of punching Louis, he crashed his lips on his. Louis responded to the kiss by opening outrageously his lips, letting Harry's tongue swirl in. He bit his lower lip, teasing him. This engendered a soft moan escaping Louis' mouth. As Harry pulled away, he looked straight into Louis' blue eyes, drowning into a sea of fondness :

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