Chapter 9

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The next day, as Harry was packing his stuff to get to detention, he remembered Louis would probably not be there and decided to take advantage of the time he got to print his new photograph out. A rough fifteen minutes later, he found Louis' bag next to the computers and assumed Louis had actually been there and would come back once trainings were over. Therefore, he got out the multiple pictures he thought were his best, Louis being one of them, and organized them around his table. As he was placing and displacing them, Louis' picture always being at the center in evidence, the library's door opened.

As Louis walked into the library, he saw Harry startle and covering his pictures in a rush. He did not quite understand what was happening but the awkwardness had been lifted up to a whole new level. Louis did not say much and did not even send a glance to Harry's photographs. He just walked up to his seat without a word to his classmate. That's what they were, classmates. Nothing more and nothing less. As the time passed on, Louis noticed that Harry had put his pictures back in his bag. He actually regretted acting like he did not care about them because, now, his fingers were itching. He wanted to take Harry's bag and look at them one by one, figuring out what the curly headed guy wanted to express through them. He wanted Harry to run behind him, reaching for his bag, and getting mad when Louis would not give it back. He wanted them to laugh together for silly things and, that, scared him to death. What was happening ?

« You are alright ? Harry asked, tearing Louis away from his thoughts.
- Yes. Why'd you ask ? Louis answered being quite defensive.
- You've been staring for five minutes straight. Thought you needed something.
- I was looking out at the window.
- Right. Whatever helps you sleep at night. »

The tension was palpable. However, there was no more hate, just desire, lust even. They could not help themselves but send subtle glances to the other one and looking away when their eyes would meet. Harry's cheeks were hurting from smiling at the sight of Louis' blue icy eyes melting into his green emeralds, which of course, he hid the best he could. Harry noticed Louis pulling onto his hair and furrowing his eyebrows. He would always do that when he could not understand something he wrote. As he lift his head to meet Harry's eyes he said carefully :

« Would you mind helping for a sec ? »

Harry did not answer. He just stood up and walked up to Louis. He bent down to have a clearer look and explained the whole thing to Louis, trying to make things as visual as possible, knowing for a fact that it was the best way for Louis to memorise things. As he was getting carried away by his explanations, he tripped onto Louis' bag and would have fell if Louis did not held him. When he stood up, Louis still had not let go of Harry's waist and was pulling onto his shirt. His stare was on his hand, touching Harry, while the curly one stared intently at Louis, waiting for him to raise his head. An urge spread in their stomaches, a need to fill the gap between them. Louis' hold came brushing against Harry's ribs, exploring both of their reactions. They did not know what was happening but knew it felt good. Never did Louis met eyes with Harry, he just stood up, facing down, and continued his progression all the way to his classmate's neck. He analyzed how Harry's body would react to certain areas Louis' fingers were running. The tension was building up slowly and the room was getting hotter every second now. Harry laid his head back as Louis' hot breath blew into it. Louis leaned on so his lips would be brushing against the strong breathless neck, making soft moans escape from Harry's parted lips. As he could not take it anymore, Harry grabbed Louis' neck abruptly and pulled him into a strong, rough and violently passionate kiss. Their lips intertwined, tongues dancing together. He pushed Louis on the table and stood between his legs. As a response, Louis moaned loudly, granting further access to Harry's tongue. He cupped his cheeks, pressing on them with all of his strength, so they would be no possible gap between their lips. Their hands were running down their bodies, exploring and testing, their clothed waists were moving along in small yet rough thrusts. A first shirt flew across the room, followed by a second while their burning naked chests finally met. Louis traced down Harry's tattoos with his lips, leaving sloppy kisses here and there. Their boners were becoming even more painful and prominent every second. They were desperate for more. At some point, Harry's hand left Louis' hair and traced down his pants. Louis startled at his cold touch but he lifted his waist off the table so that Harry would carry him somewhere no one could see them out of the window. Harry's hand were now resting on Louis' bum while Louis' legs were wrapped around Harry's waist. He smashed him against one of the shelves, hurting Louis' back on the way, and they both giggled when they heard the books falling on the floor. That was the first time their lips left one another to reunite their eyes, the first time they realized and truly acknowledged that Louis Tomlinson was in Harry Styles' arms in another context than fighting. Harry let go off Louis, letting him fall on his feet to the floor and got on his knees. He unbuckled Louis' jeans, making them fall down his ankles. Louis' bulge was prominent and Harry smirked at it while bringing a hand to Louis' boxers, teasing him. This resulted in a loud and longing moan from Louis, taken over by lust. There was nothing delicate in their touches. Everything was rushed, rough and controlled by an unbearable desire. When Harry finally got Louis' boxers out of his way, he intertwined his fingers around Louis' cock and began making small thrusts until the tip of it became red. Then, he began tracing it with his tongue, brushing against Louis' bulge with his lips and the tinier one became uncontrollable. He pulled on Harry's hair for him to look at him straight into his eyes.

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