Chapter 16

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The party seemed to have started a while ago. Harry, still with Louis close to him, found Niall halfway passed out on the counter.

« Niall ! You could've waited for me ! Harry protested.
- I did at first but you were taking too much time. Now, you definitely need to even out.
- Might take some time, Harry chuckled. »

Louis made him a sign that he'll be right there and left to greet his own friends. As Harry was left alone with a half conscious Niall, Nick decided to join in the conversation :

« Hey, Harry, he greeted.
- Hi, Harry answered sternly though he knew he should not be mad at him.
- I see that you have made up with Louis.
- I did, yes.
- So what ? You're as fucking dumb as the rest of them, now ? he drunkenly asked.
- Where are you getting at, Nick ? If you're quite finished I'd like to have fun. »

Harry was about to leave when Nick grabbed his arm tightly and apologized :

« Look, I'm sorry. I really am.
- Please, Nick. Just stop.
- No, but I'm serious. I shouldn't have talked to you the way I did.
- You're quite right, don't talk to him like that, Louis intervened coldly.
- Louis, back off. I'm talking to Harry. »

Harry did not say anything, too happy from Louis' jealousy taking control of him. He liked seeing Louis lose control of his mind and body over him. As the music was getting louder, bottles emptier and weed rarer, Harry and Louis were both drunk and separately talking to their respective friends. They were both dancing in the living room but on opposite sides of the room. However, as Louis saw Nick coming in Harry's direction, he went up to him and dragged Harry in the middle of the sea of people. He made him turn and, for a second, the whole room played in slow motion. They were staring into each other's eyes, forgetting everything and everyone surrounding them. They were only brought back to earth as someone tripped next to them, spilling their drink on Harry' white shirt. He winced and looked down to his stained shirt.

« Come on, Louis led Harry upstairs. »

After opening a few doors and walking on people making out in dark rooms, they finally found the bathroom. Louis pulled on Harry's shirt, asking him wordlessly to take it off. As Harry was washing his shirt in the sink, Louis could not help himself but check him out. His back muscles were standing out outrageously and Louis thought he had never seen anything more beautiful.

« It's still wet though, Harry pouted. »

Louis could not resist him anymore. He pushed him gently on the sink and Harry unconsciously spread his legs, letting Louis come closer. Harry grabbed him by the waist, pulling him closer to his growing bulge as Louis' hands were wandering in his hair, pulling them as the kiss got heated. Louis' lips travelled down to Harry's neck, sucking on every sensitive spot, leaving possessive purple marks. Finally, he kneeled down and traced down Harry's chest with his lustful tongue. Harry's moans were getting louder every second. He threw his head back in pleasure, arching his back off the sink. Louis unbuttoned Harry's pants, letting his painful boner breathe. Louis pulled his pants down and slid a few fingers under Harry's underwear making the other gasp in both anticipation and pleasure. His head was now so pulled back that it hit the mirror behind him, making Louis chuckle lightly. He was both amazed and amused by the effect he had on Harry and vice versa.

« Louis ... Get on with it.
- What was that ? Louis teased, brushing his fingers on Harry's burning naked skin.
- Louis, Harry moaned as Louis' fingers finally clutched around his boner. »

At the sight of his desperate friend, Louis began making small thrusts with his hands, each getting rougher and quicker every second. He let his right hand roll around the throbbing member while his fingers were teasingly playing with the tip of his cock, until Harry finally reached his high and came into Louis' hand. His loud moans and groans were like delicate music to Louis' ears and he wished he could hear them all day and night long. They both cleaned themselves but the initial problem still had not been fixed. Harry had no shirt.

« Don't you have a sweater or something ?
- I do but I can't remember where I left it.
- You're a fucking idiot.
- Shut up. I could go down like this, guess Nick would not mind, Harry teased Louis.
- I'm laughing my ass off here, Louis rolled his eyes. Here, take mine.
- You can't be serious, can you ?
- What ?
- You know that you're like 5'4, right ?
- I'm 5'9 ! Louis protested.
- Right, whatever pleases you tiny boy.
- Don't call me like that.
- Alright, Harry paused. Tiny boy.
- Shut up. I'm leaving.
- Alright, alright, Harry raised his hands in defeat. Give it to me. »

Louis got out of his black sweater leaving him with a single dark blue t-shirt. Harry tried it on and, though it was a bit short around the arms, it actually suited him. Louis smiled proudly and turned around, unlocking the door. They both walked downstairs and Niall was the first to notice their guilty faces. He knew Harry too well not to see his fond smile and eyes filled with adoration. He ran up to Harry as Louis was leaving him for his friends and dragged him outside.

« I'm happy for you, H.
- Niall, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying.
- Well, at least I'm not afraid to say the things I think all day. So listen to me, he hiccuped letting Harry smell the mixed scent of alcohol and cigarette. I'm happy you found someone even if that person is not the one I first had in mind well, I'm ...
- Wait. Let me stop you here, Ni. There's nothing between him and I.
- Stop lying to yourself goddammit ! Niall exclaimed a bit too euphorically to be sober.
- We'll talk when you're sober.
- Harry look ! Niall pointed at Louis over the window.
- What ?
- He keeps on looking at us ! He's checking on you as much as you're looking for him in every room you walk in.
- He doesn't care about me like that.
- How can you be so oblivious, Harry ? You get straight As but you're a fucking idiot.
- Niall come on, let's go back inside.
- I'm going. You stay here. »

And just like that Niall went back inside bumping into Louis as he was passing the door. Louis turned around to see where the drunk kid was going and chuckled to Harry. He sat next to him under the porch of the house and asked for a cigarette which Harry handed him without a hesitation. They both stayed silent for a couple of minute because that was how they had learnt all about each other. They had stayed silent each day for an hour during weeks before even daring talking. That was how they worked, what their relationship was based on, a familiar and comforting silence.

« You want to go for a walk ? Louis suggested.
- Sure. »

They waved back at their respective friends and went away towards the city center. The town's lights were dimming down and the streets were slowly becoming emptier but the park was still opened so the boys did not hesitate. They sat on the swings, just as they used to.

« I think I found what I'll be doing next year, Louis said out of the blue.
- Really ? What ?
- Well I've got this scholarship for a university in California so it's pretty convenient and I've been looking at psychology courses.
- That's great ! So you'd go there, then ?
- I don't know yet. I feel like I'd like to go in a big city, you know ? Like New York, Louis smiled dreamily as he looked up to the dark sky. »

Harry just nodded, looking at his friend. He knew that, soon, as the school year would end, as they would graduate, Louis won't be part of his life anymore. It felt as though his whole world would collapse because, now, Louis filled every single part of it.

« New York is great.
- I feel like it is. Anyway, he said bringing himself down to earth, have you found this inspiration you've been looking for ?
- It's more like a muse.
- And you found it ?
- I guess so.
- What is it ?
- It's stupid. I can't tell you. »

Louis shrugged but still seemed disappointed that Harry refused to tell him. Little did he know that he was all Harry's mind could portray. Everything revolved around him and he was being completely oblivious about it. Quickly, the subject faded away and they laughed again, leaving this nostalgic atmosphere far behind them. They were just two young hearts, learning how to beat together, thinking no one could ever stop them.

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