Chapter 25

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It was Christmas Eve and Anne had locked herself in the kitchen since eight in the morning. At around one in the afternoon, Harry had walked downstairs to get some breakfast but she had quickly thrown him out of it, afraid he would touch and mess something up. He groaned, rolling his eyes and went up to his room to get a shower and dress. Once he was done, he knocked on Gemma's door and asked if she wanted to get some Starbucks, given they could not enter their own kitchen. She agreed and, in less than a few minutes, they were driving to the coffee shop. Gemma waited in the car while Harry went out to buy the drinks. He came back within minutes, one hot chocolate for her and some tea for him. They stayed in the car, drinking their hot beverages and chatting up, for at least an hour, just enjoying each other's presence. Harry knew he was not calling and seeing his sister as much as he should and, each minute with her, made him realize how much he had actually missed her. When Anne called them, they figured it was time to get home and drove back. As they opened the door, their mother arrived, looking rather stressed :

« You both, she looked at them before pointing at the table, go set the table !
- But it's only four, mum. They aren't coming until seven thirty !
- Why are you even answering me ? she rolled her eyes before going back in the kitchen. »

Harry and Gemma both exchanged an amused look and laughed happily. As they did not want to disappoint nor stress their mother some more, they put they hearts in setting this Christmas table for her which ended up being quite homely and warm.

It was almost seven and Anne had run out of eggs for her cake. She made Harry go out to the grocery shop and get them for her as fast as he could. Still laughing at her face, Harry jumped out of the porch and ran to his car which he parked a few minutes later in the center of town. He went straight to the grocery shop and was looking through the alleys for the eggs when he saw a familiar figure, in front of him. He had not seen him in such a long time he almost did not recognize him.

« Nick ? he asked, still unsure wether it was him or no.
- Harry ? Oh my god, he hugged him tightly, patting him on the back. It's been ages !
- Yeah, it's been a long time, he chuckled lightly.
- Are you staying 'till New Years Eve ? I'm throwing a party at mine's, just like the old days, you know ?
- I see, Harry laughed. I don't think I'll still be there but we have to see each other before I get back to England !
- Definitely, Harry. So good to see you. »

Nick had always been very talkative and that's how Harry found himself chatting to him for half an hour while his mother was impatiently waiting for him at home. Harry learned that Nick had found himself a very nice boyfriend who had came by to meet his family. They had been together for a year and a half now and Nick was eager to introduce him to his friend.

« So, tomorrow at six, you, Nicholas and I at the Starbucks ?
- Sounds like a plan, Harry grinned until he realized he had completely lost track of time.
- Perfect. See you, then ! »

Nick went out and Harry paid for the eggs he had finally found. On his way back to his house, he could hear his mother yell at him because he had came back too late and her whole plan was ruined. Though he was now twenty years old, he still feared his mother like the first day. When he set foot in the hallway, Anne bursted in, wearing her apron, her hands on her waist and her face frowned.

« Harry Edward Styles, is all she had to say to make Harry's blood run cold. Give me that, she grabbed angrily the eggs from him and went back to the kitchen. »

Harry chuckled nervously and was about to walk upstairs when he noticed the guests in his living room. It took him some time to recognize all of them given how much the girls had grown in those past two years. On the other hand, they had not seem to have forgotten him as they ran up to him and hugged him all warmly.

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