Chapter 20

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Back to Harry's place, Anne and Gemma were already making a nice last meal. Everyone seemed to be very tensed, ready to broke down in tears. Harry was questioning his choice, Gemma was picturing herself without her annoying yet so lovely brother, Anne was visualizing coming home to a silent house she won't have to clean over and over again and Louis was realizing his heart would be left empty. He was sitting on Harry's window, watching him pack his clothes. They were both acting like Harry was just going on a one week trip. They had not talked about it, about what they were and what they were going to be, but none dared make the first move. Louis was afraid he would get in the way of Harry's happiness and Harry was not sure his feelings were reciprocated. Two egos opposed and the love of a life was slowly turning to dust. As Harry had enough of packing, they both went up on the roof to smoke a cigarette. From Harry's roof, they could see the hill they had spent hours on.

« Don't move, I'll be right back, Harry smiled as he climbed down and came back two minutes later, his camera around his neck.
- What are you doing ?
- Smile ! »

Louis hid his face behind his hands before bursting out laughing, showing the camera his most genuine and lovely smile. Harry smiled fondly at the pictures he had taken and rested his head on Louis' shoulder.

« We haven't talked about me leaving, started Harry.
- I think your mother is calling us, we should head downstairs. »

Without waiting another second, Louis climbed back down and passed a hand through his hand, exhaling deeply, trying his best not to break out in sobs. He faked a smile as he heard Harry jump back in the room and got on the tip of his toes, pecking Harry's lips a little longer than usual. They were interrupted by Gemma calling them from downstairs. Harry smiled and took Louis by the hand, leading him downstairs. Anne and Gemma both knew about Harry and Louis, at least they had figured by the way they would cuddle, hold hands and giggle every minute of the day. The table had been nicely set. The candles' scent was filling up the room in a vanilla mixed with burnt wood type of smell. Everything felt so warm, so perfect, that neither of them talked for a while.

« Louis, your plate, dear, Anne asked him.
- Sorry, he chuckled as he handed her his plate.
- Gem, could you go get the water, please ? Harry asked.
- Don't you have legs ?
- I won't be here tomorrow to ask it for you, Harry played his last card as he was too lazy to actually go to the kitchen. »

But, this sentence almost made his sister cry and she just kicked in his chair in a long sigh before standing up.

« You're a fucking pain in the ass, she swore under her mother's disapproval look. »

Harry and Louis chuckled and took a bite out of their food. At some point, everyone seemed to forget that Harry would be leaving the next morning and they relaxed, joked around foolishly and laughed their lungs out. Time was flying away, slipping through everyone's fingers. They were all pulling, tearing themselves apart to delay it but Harry's departure was just a few hours from then. Anne insisted on washing the dishes herself, letting Harry and Louis alone for some time, even if it was just a few more minutes.

« You're done packing ? Louis asked falling on the bed.
- Yes, Harry's eyes left his friend over to the packed suitcase waiting for him by the door. »

Louis did not quite wait for Harry's answer. He grabbed him by the collar of his white short-sleeved shirt and brought him on his body, laying back on his bed. Louis wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, kissing him thoroughly. Their tongues were winding together in slow movements, trying their best to stop a time flying away from them. Their shirts flew across the room, followed by their jeans until they were just two hot and lustful teenagers, begging the other for more. Their two naked chests were bumping into each other, at each gasp they were taking. Harry's tongue traced down Louis' lower lip in a teasing kind of way, making him moan in a breath. At some point, Louis pulled away and looked at Harry, sinking the blue of his eyes into those green pearls.

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